The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Women's World 2013

Last weekend I had the chance to go to Women's World in Manhattan, KS.  This is a women's conference put on every year by Manhattan Christian College, and held on the Kansas State University campus in the student union.  Hundreds of women come from all over the Midwest to attend this conference every year.  We had 21 ladies in our group from Wichita and Antioch Christian Church this year.  This was my third year to go and each year just keeps getting better.  I had an amazing time with some of my great girlfriends and heard some things from the key note speaker, Dee Brestin, that will help me to be a better friend, mom, wife, and Christian.
The theme for the weekend was "Lean On Me".  The key scripture was Ecclesiastes 4:9-10.
My good friend, Michelle, sang in the choir.  This was the first year that there was a Women's World choir.  Michelle is in the front row on the end, wearing purple.
Here I am with my new good friend Ronette.  She is a big Kansas Jayhawk fan... BIG.  On Friday, she wore all KU stuff to the conference... and carried a KU purse.  (In KSU Wildcat land... she is a brave lady.)  I, of course wore my KSU stuff.  When we went into the KSU student union bookstore to look around I made sure to tell her not to spit on anything.... and later she was asked to move her KU purse out of our big Antioch Christian Church group picture...  I gave her a lot of ribbing but she took it well!  Her husband told her not to let the purple rub off on her!  I do think purple would look really good on her though.... Remember Ronnie ~ Red + Blue = PURPLE.  And, I am so glad you went to the conference with us!
The praise music is awesome each year!  
Two of my good friends, Meilssa, Michelle, and I
Michelle, Ronnie and I went to a seminar called "Project Pot Roast...Food, Laughter, Sizzle", presented by Chef Alli.  She talked to us all about cooking a pot roast, and intimacy in our marriages.  (Did you know that you can put a dab of vanilla extract on as perfume, sprinkle a little cinnamon down the front of yourself, and smear some bacon on your lips as lip gloss.... thus reeling your husband in for a night of "fun"?  Me either.  I have yet to try this, but can let you know how it works, if you're interested.)
Here we are with Chef Alli.  She was very funny and did a good presentation.
We had dinner on Friday night and lunch on Saturday all together.  The meals and the desserts were delicious!  Below you can see Nancy and Shelley filling their plates at lunch time.  And, look at those desserts!
These four did a rockin' job singing and performing the song "Lean On Me".  Great voices!
Dee Brestin, was the keynote speaker.  She is an author and public speaker.  Dee's first book, The Friendships of Women, became a classic.  That was the beginning of Dee's ministry.  That book sold over a million copies.  For 25 years Dee has profoundly impacted the hearts of women through her internationally published Bible studies.  She recently paired with Kathy Troccoli to do the trilogy, Falling In Love With Jesus.  In 2009, The God of All Comfort: Finding Your Way Into His Arms, was released which sprung out of her own grief journey after losing her husband, at the age of 59, to colon cancer.  Her latest book, Idol Lies, is a soul searching Bible study that leads readers to face the truth about their deepest desires.  For more information on Dee's ministry click on the following link .
Dee presented three keynote sessions:  The first was titled, The Friendships of Women.  The second was titled, Idol Lies.  The third was titled, The God of All Comfort.  
Our large group photo....still missing a few from our group...  What a truly GREAT conference, with GREAT ladies!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Kansas Snow Day

Overnight we got another 8 inches or so of snow!  So we have about 12-13 inches in our front yard.  Neither Sarah or Phoebe have ever gotten to go sledding... So, this afternoon we walked down our street to a small hill and had some good old fashioned family sledding fun!  (Eric's office was closed today due to the snow and snow-covered roads.  He actually tried to go this morning, before finding out that the office was closed for the day, but could not get the truck out of our driveway.  It is 4pm and our street still has not been cleaned off.  Anyway, he has been able to work some from home today.)

Eric pulled the girls down the street on their sled saucers.  Phoebe was doing great being pulled along until she looked down and saw a "pider" riding along in her sled with her and freaked out... She got off the red saucer in a hurry and would not get back on until we got to the little hill.  (The spider was dead, and had been for a long time.  Eric brushed it off, but we still could not talk her into getting back onto the sled for a ride as we were walking... She insisted there was still a "pider on there".)
Phoebe going down the hill by herself...
Phoebe also liked sitting on Daddy's lap to go down the hill... They only crashed and fell over once.
Sarah really liked sledding!  She was all smiles as she zoomed down the hill over and over.  She crashed a few times, but just kept on going up and down, smiling the whole time.
Eric tried it on his belly once...
Silas and I did not sled.  (Although I seriously thought about taking him for a little ride for a minute.)  He seemed to like being in the backpack.  I bundled him all up before we tucked him into the pack and he just looked all around, taking everything in.  He was outside with us all for about thirty minutes and he never made a sound... just watched the girls and Daddy.  Snow was even falling on us and his little nose was running like crazy.... What a good boy!
Our little neighbor boy was also sledding on the hill with us.  He took this quick family picture with all five of us in it before Silas and I walked back to our house to get warmed up.
Eric built a snowman in our front yard for the girls.  They did not help him much.  Sarah just wanted to help with the face and roll around in the snow, making angels and sitting on one of the sleds.  While Phoebe just sat in a lawn chair, eating a snack, and watched them both.
Snowman for the girls... check! Good job Eric.
Here is a couple pictures of the snow so that you can see how much we got... Our big evergreen tree and up our front walk.  Then, measured in the middle of our front yard.  12 inches!

Snow Much Fun

Yesterday morning it started snowing here... and it kept snowing... so, by about 3pm when we went out back to play in the snow there was already about 4 inches of snow piled up.  

As the girls and I were getting bundled up to go out, Sarah looked at Phoebe and said, "Phoebe, this is probably going to be one of the funnest days ever!"  Our dog, Jessee, loved it too.  She ran all around the yard at top speeds like a crazy dog.  Phoebe tried to catch her... She even yelled at her once in an exhausted voice, "Desse, stop.  I dust want to play with you."  Jessee kept trying to get the girls gloves and hats from them.  When the girls did catch up with her they would throw snow balls onto her and try to cover her with handfuls of snow.
 The slide is super fast when you have on your ski pants!
 Phoebe told us, "Don't eat snow." But, Sarah and Jessee both ate a few mouthfuls.
 Sarah made some snow angels.
 Let it snow.  Let it snow.  Let it snow!  I love the snow and the fun times it brings!  I am so thankful for this snow and the chance for my girls to get to play in it.  It has been too long since Kansas has gotten a substantial amount of snow.  Bring it on I say!