The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Monday, June 30, 2014

Box Turtles Found

 ~ Sarah Hendrickson ~ (edited by me, Mommy)

Little Box Turtle #1
When we were heading to go to the zoo we saw a little box turtle on the road so we stopped to survive the little turtle but when we turned around someone already hit him. We called daddy's friend Damian Schuhs.  Damian Schuhs said to call his friend at the pet store.  We brought our turtle there to the reptile pet store.  We hope he is still alive.
It was the littlest box turtle I ever saw before. I wish we could keep him, but we needed someone who could take care of him better then we could and fix his shell.  I liked him.  I wanted to help him but I couldn't.  It was a baby turtle.
Medium Box Turtle #2
When daddy was going to work daddy found a little box turtle. Daddy brought it home and put it in a diaper box for a surprise when I woke up. I found it out in the kitchen.  It was three inches longer than the other one. We got to keep it.  We fed it little pieces of purple cabbage.
We watched it crawl around the backyard.  We lost it then we found it.  It was by the garden. Then we woke up and then we looked for it. It was in the garden by the plants.  
When we got him out of the garden we both took turns holding him.   
 Phoebe surprised us cause she never holds the frogs, so we thought she would not hold the turtle.
We saw the turtle a couple of times then we could not find him since then.  I hope we find him again.  I liked him.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Memorial Weekend - Family and Memories

Over Memorial Day weekend in May we got together with some of my Dad's first cousins.  This group of cousins have some funny stories about growing up together, family reunions, and their parents and grandparents.  These cousins are all on my Dad's Dad, (Howard Hastings) side on the family.  Paul and Dora Loger Hastings had four children.  One infant son, who died at birth, Helen, Howard, and Ida. (Howard was my Grandpa.)  Helen Hastings Sipult and her husband, Ben, had four children, Clyde, Danny, Mary, Susan.  Howard Hastings and his wife, Josephine Holman Hastings, had five children, Harold, Charles, Paul, Dale, and Larry.  Ida Hastings Hempsmyer and her husband, Duane, had two children, Lois and Jerry.
First cousins, pictured above - left to right: Jerry Hempsmyer, Susan Sipult Bishop, Charles Hastings, Lois Hempsmyer Wheeler, Dale Hastings, Mary Sipult Brown, and Paul Hastings
First cousins and their families, pictured above - left to right: Jerry and Julie Hempsmyer, Karen Hempsmyer and husband, Jan Hastings, Johannah Hastings, Jessica Hastings Higgins, Walter Bishop, Mykayla Poynter, Susan Bishop, Phoebe Hendrickson, Stacee Hastings Hendrickson, Sarah Hendrickson, Gloria and Paul Hastings, Karen Hempsmyer's son, Mary Brown, Dale Hastings, Wyonna Hastings, Jordan Hastings, Charles Hastings, Dan and Pam Scott
After we all ate lunch together at the Home Town Buffet we all drove to Greenwood Cemetery and the Clearwater Cemetery to decorate the graves of family members and friends with flowers.
Below is at Greenwood Cemetery, near Duane and Ida Hempsmyer's graves.
Greenwood Cemetery - John B Behrns - Family Friend
OCT. 13, 1895 - JUNE 29, 1965

"One man with courage makes a majority." - Andrew Jackson

He was Grandma's (Dora) special friend.  He liked being around all of us.  He was at all the family gatherings.  He and Grandma liked fishing.  He gave me my first fishing pole.  He dressed up like Santa every year and came to our house on Christmas Eve.  He always had presents for everybody. ( I am sure Mom had probably wrapped them up and given to him before hand.)  After Santa left our house on Christmas Eve John and Grandma always showed up.  He and Grandma went to the Grange Hall dances in Bayneville, KS.  He had some friends who lived at Larned, KS and we went Pheasant hunting with him there a few times.  -Paul Hastings
Below is at the Clearwater Cemetery, near Howard and Jo Hastings, and Harold Hastings graves.
Clearwater Cemetery - Clifford Wayne Corr - Classmate and Friend
OCT. 5, 1949 - MARCH 28, 1971

We don't have to turn to our history books for heroes.  They are all around us.  
-President Ronald Reagan, State of the Union Address, January 26th, 1982

We started school together in Kindergarten.  He was a good friend.  We would hang out and do things together.  We were in debate together, none of us knew how to do it.  He went to ESU when I did and we would do things together.  He was one of my groomsmen in our wedding.  Then he joined the Army after we got married.  Everybody was going to Vietnam.  He died there.  -Paul Hastings
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.  - John F. Kennedy, in his Inaugural Address, January 20th 1961

Jesus said, "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends."  John 15:13

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

At The Zoo

 ~ Phoebe Hendrickson ~ (edited by me, Mommy)

We went to the zoo.  We went on the pig.
We saw a lot of animals.
We saw a lot of statues.  Silas didn't like the statues.  He keeped trying to go away from the statues.
I saw a lot of Meerkats. They were standing on there and running around.  I sit by the Lion.  He was asleep.
Sarah sit by the Lion.  It was a mommy Lion.
The Elephants were big.  I looked at them.
The Geese had babies.  They were cute and fuffy.
The last thing we looked at was monkeys.  They were black and brown.  One was a baby.
I want to go to the zoo again.  It was a fun.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Tribe Of Levi

 ~ Eric Hendrickson ~ (my husband)

The Tribe of Levi is a traveling ministry that shares a message of being set free in Christ.  The Tribe of Levi has been delivering this message to churches and groups all over Kansas and has now begun delivering the good news in other mid-west states.  This band of brothers is made up of all former inmates, who have found freedom in Christ.  Most of them served time together in Kansas prisons at some point during their incarceration.  And, over half of them were a part of the Brothers In Blue Re-Entry program formally known as IFI or Interchange Freedom Initiative.
Every time I watch Brave heart I love to hear the speech that William Wallace gives to the Sons of Scotland persuading them to fight the English army for their freedom.  Wallace's speech is so persuasive, the first time I heard it I felt like getting a sword and joining them.

William: I am William Wallace. And I see before me an army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny.  You have come to fight as free men, and free men you are.  What would you do without freedom?  Will you fight?

Soldier: Fight against that? No, we will run, and we will live.

William: Ay, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live.  At least a while.  And dying in your beds many years from now would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom.
Our society loves freedom.  America likes to see itself as the land of the free.  Free country, freedom of religion, freedom to vote, freedom to work anywhere that will take you, freedom to purchase what you want from where you want.  In fact in our society the ultimate punishment is the deprivation of freedom through imprisonment.

Does our society truly understand FREEDOM?  Not if Christ is not in the equation.

Christ gives us our freedom so that we are free to follow him and love others.  Freedom from badges, freedom from the world and our own flesh.  Freedom to love.

What will YOU do with that FREEDOM?
As William Wallace sought to do something about the plight of his fellow man, so have we, the Tribe of Levi, decided to do something about the plight of our fellow man.  And, as William Wallace was a soldier of Scotland, the Tribe of Levi, are soldiers of Christ.

The Tribe of Levi is a group of formerly incarcerated Christian brothers, who have formed a ministry (January 2014) that focuses on preaching freedom through Jesus Christ.

Now that our chains are gone, and we have been set free, both literally and spiritually, we want to spread that freedom to others.

We do this through the playing of our instruments, singing by the power of the Holy Spirit, and skits that provide profound insight to real life experiences and responses that we Christians will face in this world.  We invite all people to join us in the joy of our music and drama.  We pray that those who hear our music and see our skits will be blessed and spirits revived and that those who do not know Jesus will come to know Him as their Lord and Savior through our ministry.  That they will be "SET FREE".
The Tribe of Levi's songs and skits can and will inspire people to seek God, have God's word and Spirit revealed to them, encourage them to read the Bible, and give people a sense of peace, joy, encouragement, hope and most importantly proclaim the good news of salvation with power.  As His messengers, we are being used by God to accomplish all of these things.  The spirit of God is evident when you see and hear the Tribe of Levi.
The Tribe of Levi is ready to go wherever the Spirit leads as God is able to do abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.  Hallelujah! If you would like to have us visit your church, whether it be to lead your church service or for a special event/revival, please contact Eric or Stacee Hendrickson, or Carl Carnnahan - The Tribe of Levi's General Manager.

If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
John 8:36

To get more details and information about upcoming Tribe of Levi events,