The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Friday, April 27, 2018

Silas's February and March School Report

Silas has still been enjoying his time at school with his teachers and friends.  He especially loves playing games with them and getting to do art projects and drawings.
He continues to learn and practice writing letters and numbers weekly.
Occasionally he has a homework sheet that helps reinforce the letter that they are working on that week.  He happily completes these each week and looks forward to returning them in exchange for a prize from his teachers.
He has gotten a lot better at using scissors.
For Valentines's Day each child in his class got to wrap and decorate cereal boxes to use for their Valentine card collection boxes.
Silas can now count independently to well over 60.
Below, on the cut and paste t-shirt worksheet, Silas decided to make his t-shirts for college basketball teams.  I am sure this was because this worksheet was completed during the NCAA tournament in March and his little mind was filled with brackets, teams winning and losing, and watching lots of basketball.
He has even begun to spell, write, and read some simple 2, 3, and 4 letter words.
He can follow simple step-by-step instructions to draw and complete tasks.
Good job, Silas!  Daddy and I are glad that you like school and are a good worker.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Phoebe's February and March School Report

Another great two months of school for Phoebe has past.  She does very well every week on her spelling test.  The studying at school and home helps her tremendously.
Phoebe's "If I lived in a snow glob"e art hung in the hallway at school outside her classroom for awhile.
She completed a nonfiction book report on Three-Toed Sloths.
She is still in the high math group at school.  She works hard to learn the concepts and apply them to her math studies and homework.
At parent/teacher conferences in February we got to hear lots of good things about Phoebe, like normal.  She is such a good girl!
For Valentines Day each student in Phoebe's class had to bring a box to collect their Valentine cards.  Phoebe and I created a Popcorn Valentine box.  "Pop me a Valentine".
Phoebe has reading, spelling, and math homework most nights of every week.  When she gets home from school she eats a small snack and begins her homework.  She usually does not complain, just gets right to work.
All of the 2nd graders at Phoebe's school got to participate in a program called "Splash" through one of our local YMCA's In February and March.  Every Tuesday the classes were bused to the YMCA for 45 minute swimming lessons.  This was a lot of fun for all of the kids and something that they all looked forward to each week.  They were taught and worked on life-saving skills in the water and simple swimming skills that would help them save their own lives if they fell into the water.
A teacher that takes selfies with their students is definitely a cool teacher.
Below, Phoebe's music worksheets and test.
Each 2nd grader had to pick one of three songs, (America, America I Hear You Singing, or Yankee Doodle), to sing in front of the teacher and class by themselves for a grade.  Phoebe did well on this.  Below, is Phoebe's singing test results.
Below, Phoebe's Gerald the Giraffe art project that hung at the district wide art fair in March.
The girls and I went to a school skating party at the local roller skating rink in March.  Both girls are doing better at skating.  It is not something that we do very often.
Who is worth more to you than gold?  "My family is worth more to me than gold.  You are the best family.  You are kind."
Below, Phoebe's third nine weeks report card.  Great job, Phoebe!
 Above is Phoebe's school class picture (Phoebe is in the third row from the bottom, in the center.), and below is her individual spring school picture.