Silas has still been enjoying his time at school with his teachers and friends. He especially loves playing games with them and getting to do art projects and drawings.
He continues to learn and practice writing letters and numbers weekly.
Occasionally he has a homework sheet that helps reinforce the letter that they are working on that week. He happily completes these each week and looks forward to returning them in exchange for a prize from his teachers.
He has gotten a lot better at using scissors.
For Valentines's Day each child in his class got to wrap and decorate cereal boxes to use for their Valentine card collection boxes.
Silas can now count independently to well over 60.
Below, on the cut and paste t-shirt worksheet, Silas decided to make his t-shirts for college basketball teams. I am sure this was because this worksheet was completed during the NCAA tournament in March and his little mind was filled with brackets, teams winning and losing, and watching lots of basketball.
He has even begun to spell, write, and read some simple 2, 3, and 4 letter words.
He can follow simple step-by-step instructions to draw and complete tasks.
Good job, Silas! Daddy and I are glad that you like school and are a good worker.