The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

February and March - Phoebe

Phoebe's snowman project below was displayed in the school hallways and then at the district wide art fair.
Phoebe brought home this "I'm a CRANKY Monster" project that she did last fall.  It had been hanging in the hallways for others to see.  She did a great job with this funny project.  She wrote, "There are many things that make me cranky.  My brother and sister make me cranky because they sing all the time.  Folding laundry makes me cranky because it takes so long.  My cats make me cranky when they run away.  Waking up in the morning makes me cranky because I am still super tired.  Being cranky is not fun."
What are your some of your favorite things to take in your lunch?
Phoebe: Cookies, Honey Buns, juice bags, yogurt covered raisins
What is your favorite special so far this year and why?
Phoebe: PE because it is easy.  We run and play games like tag, fruit basket, stuck in the mud, and fox tail.
Phoebe is an excellent student!  She was recognized with a positive office referral in February.  Her teacher said this, "Phoebe works really hard at home and school on her A.R.  She has already reached 100% of her A.R. goal for the school year.  She is an outstanding student.  She shows respect to her teachers and classmates, and always has a great attitude."
During Technology her class has been working on typing.  See her typing example below.
For Valentine's Day she and I made an Owl Valentine box.  (We used a tall cereal box.)  Each student in her class made a box at home and brought it to school for the Valentine card exchange.  They got to stand up and share their box in front of the classroom if they wanted and tell about how they made it.
She continues to do well in math and reading.  She is in the high level group with several of her peers in her grade level.  She works hard to complete assignments at school and homework in the evenings.
She studies her spelling words at school during the week and at home with us.  Great job on your spelling tests, Phoebe!
She completed an Economy project at school.

It was a great 3rd nine weeks report card again for Phoebe!
What is something that you enjoy/like about your classroom this year?
Phoebe: I like that I have some of my friends in my classroom.  I like that I get to eat lunch with my teacher sometimes.
She started in our school's Girls On The Run group in February.  They meet after school two nights a week to work on a lesson and run together.  She has really enjoyed this group of girls, making new friends, and running longer and longer distances.  I can tell she is getting to be a stronger runner and is enjoying the thrill of pushing herself to greater distances and faster times.  Below, the 2019 GOTR group - Phoebe is standing on the right in a light blue, flowered, long-sleeved shirt.

Monday, April 22, 2019

February and March - Silas

February and March flew by.... Silas continues to do a great job at school.  He completed some very neat Kansas day projects and learned about our state.
He is doing extremely well in math.  He adds and subtracts simple math easily.  His teacher sent home some extra work (more challenging) for him to work on at home and get more ahead.
You have been eating school lunch occasionally this year.  What are some of your favorite school lunch items?
Silas:  "Quesadilla and Italian Dunkers"
Silas has homework every week night.  He gets a packet of kindergarten homework to complete and turn in on the last day of the school week and a first grade packet of homework to complete and turn in on the last day of the school week as well.  He works on skills like reading, handwriting, math, reading comprehension, and language arts.
He had some fun doing Valentine and Martin Luther King Jr. projects in his classroom.
Below, he made me this Valentine....addressed to Mrs. Hendrickson, because I have been subbing a lot her his school.  It says, "Mrs. Hendrickson, I love you.  You are a good mom.  I hope you have a good time subbing.  Love, Silas."
What did you enjoy about your Valentine party in your classroom?
Silas:  "opening the cards and eating the snacks"
What do you like to do during outside recess?
Silas:  "play soccer and basketball and I go down the slides"
Silas was moved to the HIGH first grade reading group recently.  Yay!  He is excelling at reading this year.  One of the fun things that he gets to do in his new high level reading group is playing "sight word BINGO".
We attended the kindergarten family night in March.  It had a Dr. Seuss theme.  All of the kids could do projects with their families. And, there was a back drop to take a Dr. Seuss family photo.

What do you like the most about P.E. class this year?
Silas:  "Everything.  Games I like to play are Slimeball and Limbo.  We are getting ready for field day now so sack racing, running, and hula-hooping."
Below, Silas had three art projects displayed at the district wide art fair.
Who are some of your favorite friends at school this year?
Silas:  "Collin and Owen and my teachers"
What do you like learning about at school?
Silas:  "reading and learning words"
Silas's 3rd nine weeks report card reflected a job well done!  Way to go smart boy!!! Keep working hard.