The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

All The Things In May

Silas and his friends at school played in the school orchestra concert. They sounded good, very much improved from the last concert in December. Silas had a solo and played a duet with his friend Alex. He especially liked his orchestra teacher this year, Ms. Taton. She was kind, encouraging, and helped him learn a lot.
Phoebe, Sarah, and Aleigha helped at Boogie On The Blacktop at Silas's elementary school. They sold concessions and spirit wear before, during, and after the kids' performances. Silas and the other 5th graders performed to two songs, one dance and some jump roping.
Our Peonies bloomed and looked and smelled so good this spring.
Silas ran in the DUDES 5K (3.1 miles) race on Saturday, May 4th. He ran a great race. He placed second in his age category and first for his DUDES running group. His official time was 24:08 (a new PR for him). Big thanks to his running buddy, and coach, Mrs. Driskill!
People make some funny faces when they run, especially when they are putting forth ALL their efforts... These two pictures below were very close to the end of the race and Silas was starting his end-of-the-race sprint. Go Silas! Go!
After he finished his race, he stood near the end of the course and cheered on his running buddies and friends. When his friend Owen got close, he ran to him to encourage and run in with him.
Dad's birthday gift for Eric this year was this big double punching bag, or the duplex punching bag as Dad called it. What a fun gift!
On his birthday, after getting home from work, Eric opened his gifts from us, then we went out to eat at a local sushi/hibachi restaurant. After church that night, we had cake and ice cream.
I got to go on the Topeka field trip with Silas's fifth grade class. We rode the bus up and back. We left early on a Friday morning and headed straight to the Capital building in Topeka for a guided tour. After that we ate lunch at the Old Prairie Town at the Ward Meade Historic Site, before touring that site together. It was a fun day.
Silas's baseball team had team pictures taken early in May on a Saturday afternoon.
We attended a Wind Surge baseball game on a Saturday evening.
Mother's Day was Sunday, May 12th. We attended church, I opened some gifts from the kids, and then we planted all of my new flowers in the yard before going out to eat an early dinner at Texas Roadhouse.
Silas participated in his last elementary school field day. The events he picked to compete in this year were 400 M Relay (blue ribbon), 3-legged race (blue ribbon), 150 M Dash Shuttle Run (blue ribbon), 100 M Dash (blue ribbon), Hula Hoop (red ribbon).
The last event of field day was the Tug-of-war. First the girls from each class tugged against each other.  Then the boys from each class tugged against each other. Finally, the two fifth grade classrooms tugged against each other.
Our ten chickens have been busy laying lots of eggs! We usually get between 5-9 eggs per day now. Even, Hazel, who lays the blue eggs, is laying again pretty regularly.
Phoebe's choir had their Spring Pop concert. They did a nice job and sounded great.
Mom's stone was finally set in the Clearwater Cemetary about three days after Mother's Day. It took a year and a half after placing the order to get the stone in, finished, and set. (A long and drawn out process through the monument company in Goddard that we used). It does look nice and I am glad it is done.
After one of Silas's baseball games we went to Freddy's for ice cream with a couple other families.
Silas built a Tiny House during the last few weeks of school. They called them "Math Houses". They were supposed to design and build all of the things that they added into their houses. Silas added LOTS of, door knobs, a swing in the front yard, flowers, lamps, facets, even a fold-out couch.
Phoebe and I attended Silas's last Zoo day with his school.  We walked around that Monday with two other fifth grade boys, Silas's friends, Isaac and Arnez.
Below, with Mrs. Wulf, Arnez, Isaac, Silas, and Mason.
Phoebe's last day of 8th grade was on Friday, May 17th. A few days later her school held the 8th grade promotion parade. We wrote on the truck windows and I drove Phoebe through the parade route around the school. Teachers, staff, and family members lined the bus drive, waved, threw candy, and shot silly string at the students and into the vehicles the students were riding in to send them all off in fun fashion.
Phoebe maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. She received the "President's Educaton Award" for outstanding academic excellence. Good job, smart girl! Good-bye Gorillas! Hello Colts! Bring on HIGH SCHOOL! Say WHAT!?!?!?!?
JUMPING for JOY!!!!!!!
This boy of ours just keeps amazing us! He was selected to sing in the school's talent show. With some help from our friend, Ryan, as his accompanist, he sang the song "Gratitude" beautifully this morning for all of the students, staff, and parents to hear. He nailed it! What a way to end his fifth grade year!
Below, Silas and his fifth grade teacher on the last day of school.
Below, Silas and his elementary school teachers - right to left - Kindergarten, Mrs. McCaffree (Miss Kohler), Second, Mr. McCaffree, Third, Mrs, Faust, Silas, Fourth, Mrs. Morrison, and Fifth, Mrs. Shahan. Missing - First, Mrs. Sanborn.
Popee and Uncle Ernie joined us for one of Silas's baseball games in mid-May. About a week later Lindsee and Will joined us to cheer on Silas at one of his games too.
Over Memorial Day weekend some of us (Hastings) came together to decorate graves, like we usually do, at the Clearwater Cemetary and the Greenwood Cemetary.
Eric and I were also able to visit the Olpe Cemetary and put some flowers onto his grandparent's grave while we were there.