The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sheep, Sheep, Sheep... We Like Sheep!

Over the past three months the children at our church, Antioch Christian Church, have been practicing every Wednesday night and Sunday morning for their big performance of "We Like Sheep".  Their final practice will be this Saturday morning with the big show this Sunday morning, May1st, at 10:30am.
Sarah will be a little lamb in the performance, and Eric, (that's right, my husband, in his acting debut) will be the Shepherd.  Sarah's favorite song from the show is "Jesus is a Gentleman" and one of her favorite things that she gets to do in the show is the actions to the song "Celebrate".
This is a great group of kids, and will be a great show with great music, and a great message for all ages.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; Old things have passed away; Behold, all things have become new.  2 Corinthians 5:17
It was a beautiful Easter Sunday.  We had my parents here with us.  When Sarah woke-up she immediately wanted to check her Easter basket to see if the bunny had left her any "surprises".  Of course, there was a bucket of goodies for both girls.  Sarah was a little disappointed though that she didn't get to "pet the bunny".  (I think she told my dad, the night  before, about 5 times before falling asleep, that she just wanted to "pet that bunny". - so cute!)  If you ask Sarah what is special about Easter, she will tell you about the Easter Bunny and the surprises that he brings, but she will also tell you that "Jesus is ALIVE!"
We went to church early and enjoyed a delicious Easter breakfast with family and friends, then a little Easter egg hunt, followed by a nice church service with great music.
After church we headed to Hesston, KS for the Hastings Easter get-together. 
Growing up we always went to my Grandpa and Grandma Hastings house for Easter weekend.  We would stay all weekend and get to play with our cousins.  Somehow the Easter Bunny would always find mine and my siblings Easter baskets at grandma and grandpa's house, giving us candy and a surprise.  I remember getting clothes, or a toy, or even a fishing pole one year.  We would attend the Clearwater Christian Church with my grandparents and parents Easter morning.  I remember taking communion there sitting next to my grandma Jo.  Always toward the middle of the service she would have a bag of peppermints that she would dig out of her purse to share with all of us.  And, one hymn that will forever remind me of those Easter mornings at church there in Clearwater, KS will be "Christ the Lord is Risen Today". After church we would stand around while the grown-ups visited with old friends, then we'd head back to grandma and grandpa's for lunch, the big Easter egg hunt, and some Wiffle Ball.  What great memories of fun times shared with my grandparents, parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins!  Here is a picture from an Easter past... it is of my siblings, Matt and Lindsee, and I with our grandpa and grandma Hastings.
We had lunch and lots of FUN in Hesston this year.  My cousin, Josh has a great place out in the country for playing outside... a tire swing, little playhouse, lots of room to run, and egg hunt, Wiffle Ball, roasting smore's, an old barn and silo, and fishing in the creek.
 MMmmmm Smore's!  We tried making them with Peeps this year.  It didn't work so well, because the sugar on the Peeps got super HOT while on the roasting sticks.  After they cooled they tasted super yummy though.
Here is Jackson and Sarah - they played with the bike and wagon for a long time... Jackson gave Sarah and Phoebe rides like this all around the yard.
We caught some small Bass and little Perch in the creek.  Sarah was excited to use her new "Dora the Explorer" pole.  Although she didn't actually catch any fish, she enjoyed touching the fish that other's caught and helping to throw them back. 
It was a great day!  Thank you God for sending your son to this world to die for us, so that we may live.  Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Chilly - part 2

This morning Sarah had her first soccer game.  It was cold out on the fields at 9am!  When we asked Sarah before the game if her legs were cold she said, "No, I am cold everywhere."  Despite the cold, it was still fun.  The kids did a lot of running and we did a lot of cheering.  Sarah's team wore their orange jerseys for today's game.  She is number 7.
 Getting a little encouragement and warmth from Daddy at halftime....
My parents and uncle came to watch Sarah's game today too.  Thanks Nanee, Popee, and Uncle Charlie!
 Phoebe and Nanee took a little walk during the soccer game.
Shaking hands after the game... Sarah told us she had "fun"!

Next, we went to my cousin's son's 5th birthday party.  It was at a park so the kids all enjoyed playing together.  Thanks Jordan and Amber for lunch and the great time!  Happy Birthday Austin!
Cousins, having fun slide racing!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Darling Doo~Dads

Did you know I love to sew, paint, scrapbook, make jewelry with my sister, create and make things?  If you didn't know, now you do.  Last year I handpainted (with a little advice from my friend, Sandy B. in Emporia) wooden plaques for my girls.  I then attached ribbons that hang down from the plaques.  All of this to make them each a personalized hair bow holder.  They turned out cute and helped me to get all the bows off the bathroom counter and various places around our house.  Take a look!
I then got carried away painting for other little girls....  So, last Fall I entered my first craft show ever.  It was the Hesston, KS Barn Sale.  It is hosted by my cousin and his wife, the owners of the business, The Rusted Chain, at their out-in-the-country home, just North of Hesston.  I needed to come up with a name for my little booth so I thought and thought and finally my creative Husband came up with a name for me... Darling Doo~Dads! 
It was a beautiful Saturday in October.  There were many vendors there selling handmade items, vintage items, food, and music.  I shared a booth with my dad and sister.  (My dad does beautiful woodworking, custom crafts, and furniture. I may be biased but he is one of the best woodworkers I know.  But, he learned from the best, my grandpa, Howard Hastings.  My sister, Lindsee, makes all kinds of beaded jewelry.  She is very creative.  One of my favorites is her Scrabble bracelets.)
Now I am getting ready for the Hesston, KS Spring Barn Sale.  It will be held on Saturday, May 7th.  It will be a great sale.  Many of the same vendors and new vendors are already lined up to be there.  Click here to get some info. and directions to the Barn Sale.  I have been sewing and creating some new items to sell in my booth.  I will also have some of my dad and sister's items available again too.  If you don't have plans that day, why not take a little drive to Hesston, KS.  I would love to see you there! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Sarah had her third soccer practice last night.  (She is playing in a soccer league called Upward Sports.)  It was chilly and a little windy out.  Some parents (not us) thought the practice should be cut short due to the cold...  Come-on toughen up people!  Sarah's team, the Wolverines, did practice the full hour and are ready for their first game this Saturday morning.  We can't wait too.  It will be so exciting to see her in an organized sport.  I will be the mom who will be wildly yelling from the sidelines for her kid.
Here is Phoebe at Sarah's practice.  She liked sitting in the big KState chair and drinking water from Sarah's water bottle. 
And, here is Sarah and Daddy, after practice.  Ready to head to the truck to get in and get warmed up.  If you are interested in coming to one of her soccer games, they are all on Saturday mornings.  Contact us for times and location.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Jumping In

Well, here I go... I have thought about and talked about having a blog for quite awhile now... So, I am jumping in today.  As I navigate my way around blog world you will see changes on my page as I discover new things to add or things that I don't like, so bear with me as I figure the blog maddness out.
I hope that our family and friends will find this blog helpful in keeping up with our girls and the day to day happenings in the Hendrickson home. 
Over the past weekend Eric worked on many lawn and outdoor projects.  He put down concrete pavers in a place that no grass grows, placed posts in concrete to build fence for our little garden spot, and planted all of our new flowers in our front flowerbed.  I am so thankful for a husband who works hard to keep our home looking nice.