The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sheep, Sheep, Sheep... We Like Sheep!

Over the past three months the children at our church, Antioch Christian Church, have been practicing every Wednesday night and Sunday morning for their big performance of "We Like Sheep".  Their final practice will be this Saturday morning with the big show this Sunday morning, May1st, at 10:30am.
Sarah will be a little lamb in the performance, and Eric, (that's right, my husband, in his acting debut) will be the Shepherd.  Sarah's favorite song from the show is "Jesus is a Gentleman" and one of her favorite things that she gets to do in the show is the actions to the song "Celebrate".
This is a great group of kids, and will be a great show with great music, and a great message for all ages.

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