The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stories With Daddy

Every night before the girls go to bed they get to read stories with Daddy.  Sarah and Daddy have always done this together, but just recently Phoebe has joined them.
Sometimes they read Dora books, or Elmo books, or Franklin books, but they always read a Bible story.  The three of them snuggle into Sarah's bed together and Sarah holds the flashlight on the words.  Phoebe likes to sit right on top of Daddy.  (This must be the prime book looking at spot! Right up front.)
Two of Sarah's favorite stories are Daniel in the Lion's Den and baby Moses.
They have read all the way through Sarah's small Bible twice, Phoebe's Little Golden Bible , and are now reading through the stories in a children's Bible that belonged to my brother Matt and myself.
Both girls are learning so much from Eric.  Not only from his stories that he reads but the examples he is setting for them in life.  He is patient, consistent, kind, honest, fair, and loving. 
Thank you God, for a wonderful husband and a great Daddy for our girls.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

You Can Dig Me A Well Anyday

I am in love, head over heels in love, with my well digger.
Here he is pounding a sand point well.  It will go 25 feet down and will be attached to a pump.  We'll use it to water the lawn and plants.  Free water!
Whoa, hello arm muscle.  I am Stacee and I love you... I mean Eric.  I love Eric.
Manual labor is definitely a good thing, especially in my backyard, showing me arm muscles, and getting me free water.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Next Project Please

Eric seems to always have a project that he is working on...
This summer it was replacing wood on our house, painting our house,  and then Eric VS. the Bermuda Grass.  They went at least three rounds and Eric has been declared the winner... for now.  Oh, and digging a well...
The big project is our front yard.  He has been killing it off, tilling it up, hauling compost  to make our soil better... all in preparation to plant our new front lawn this fall.
I am very thankful that my husband is a hard-worker. We will have a beautiful front lawn soon.

Friday, August 26, 2011

We Can Touch Bugs

When I say we, I mostly mean Eric, Sarah and Phoebe, not me.  For the record though, I do touch bugs that are not so gross, like butterflies, rolie polies, and lightning bugs.

The girl's, especially Sarah, have gotten a lot braver this summer and have been touching and picking up all kinds of bugs. 

One day as we were following a Grasshopper around our backyard a few weeks ago, it became a challenge to see who could pick it up before Daddy got home from work to show him.... Sarah rose to the occasion, beating Phoebe, who gave enough of an effort that Sarah actually thought she might be beat by her little sister.  Sarah's look of excitement and pure joy as she held that Grasshopper between her little fingers was priceless!  Not only was she so happy to hold this creature, but she knew Daddy was going to be excited that she picked it up too. 
From that day on she has been following Grasshoppers around, trapping them under her hand and picking them up.  What a girl!
Phoebe has been liking the Locust... The shells we find on the trees, and the actual bug that sill has wings.
Phoebe has also been trying to squash some bugs with her barefoot.. ants and spiders mostly... What a girl!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Dog Missed

I didn't grow up in this town, or on this farm.  In fact, the first time I walked on this piece of land wasn't until 1999.  But I love it here.  It is peaceful and beautiful.  This is one of my favorite spots... right out by this tree, near the white fence, and the field beyond....

You see, one of my favorite dogs is here.  He is buried in the shade of this big tree, by the white fence and the field.  He is a reminder to me of fun and good times, and stories that will forever make me smile and laugh.  A different time in our lives...

He was Eric's dog, but became mine too.  I loved him.  He was tall, full of energy, a great swimmer, loved to play with his softball and football, a licker, and had a ferocious bark.  He loved us.  It was a terribly sad day in July 2007 the day he left me, and I had to tell Eric that he had died.

What a good dog and faithful friend he was... loyal, loving and a protector.  Dr. Drake - Duck Specialist, Drake, Drakey, Drakester, thanks for the memories.
What a peaceful and beautiful place... out by the tree, near the white fence and the field beyond.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Water Park"

This morning I took the girls to Osage Park water fountains.  Sarah had been asking all week if we could go to the "water park", so this morning after breakfast we got our swimming suits on and headed to the "water park".
When we first arrived the water had not been turned on yet... so we waited.  I began to wonder if maybe it wasn't going to come on... but it did... right when the girls were both out in the middle of it!
It was a beautiful day, perfect for playing in the water.
There was lots of running.  Lots of screaming, and lots of laughing.
What a fun morning at the "water park".

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lovin' the Lake

I love going out to the lake with my family.  The girls love it too.  We got to go out again with my parents over the weekend.  Sarah was excited to swim and "look for seashells".
We anchored and swam around the boat for awhile.  We also swam to shore and found lots of small shells.  Popee happened to have a plastic jar to collect them in on shore and carry them back out to the boat.
Phoebe did great in the water and on the boat.  She did not once cry or try to get her life jacket off.  She was content to ride around in the boat, eat grapes, crackers and raisins, drink juice, sit by Nanee, and to swim a little bit with mommy, daddy, Sarah, and Popee.
Sarah has come so far this summer learning to swim with her life jacket on, and being brave.  She no longer has to be clinging on to someone or something.  She enjoyed riding in the front of the boat with Nanee and Phoebe... just relaxing!
Eric rode on the tube, sitting and laying.  Laying on it is definitely the way to do it.  The rider has more control when laying and can stay on the tube better and longer.
Then I skied.  I love to ski.  It is so easy for me and always has been.  I come right up out of the water every time.  Next, Dad skied.  And, yes folks, he's still got it!  He came right up out of that water too.  I know who I learned it from... my DAD.
Eric even got out there and gave it a few tries... He will for sure get it next time we go out.
 All in all, another fun day at the lake... until the boat got stuck in reverse.... yes, that's right, the boat got stuck in reverse.  So, we headed back in to the boat dock... in reverse.  Until, a nice couple pulled alongside us and offered us a tow.  Thank you nice couple.  It would have been a long ride going 2 mph in reverse back to the boat dock.  Now, I am just hoping that whatever is wrong with my parents boat is an easy inexpensive fix...