The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Monday, August 1, 2011

Quilt #2 for Sister #1

I have been doing a lot of sewing lately.  Sewing for my mom, brother, sister, and daughters.  I have been working on twin size quilts for my girls, and t-shirt quilts for my siblings. 
The girl's quilts are being made with the same fabrics, but will be different designs.
My brother's first t-shirt quilt was made with all shirts from high school.  His next one will be made with shirts from trips and vacations as we were growing up.  Then his third will be made with shirts that were from when he was very little up through college.
My sister's first t-shirt quilt was made with shirts from trips and vacations.  Her quilt that I am just finishing up the top on now is made with shirts from elementary school through high school, and her third quilt will consist of shirts from college and beyond.

I complete the tops of these quilts, then have another lady quilt the back fabric on and bind the edges.  My sewing machine is not big enough to sandwich the whole thing together.  There is too much fabric, especially after adding the batting, and it does not shove through the smaller machines well.  I have tried this, and it all starts to look bunched and straight lines are often not very straight.  None the less, the finished quilts always turn out original and beautiful! 
If you have t-shirts that you have been hanging onto, and would be interested in having them quilted into a memory quilt, please contact me.  These make great gifts for the high school or college grad, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and Christmas.

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