The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

January Papers

Sarah's class held a Hibernation Day early in January.  Each child could wear their pajamas to school if they wanted to, and were asked to bring a blanket and a flashlight with them that day to school.  They set their blankets out in a room together, read stories with their flashlights, talked about the word hibernation, and got to go on a bear hunt!
Sarah's class worked on the letters n, o, p, and q this month.  They continued learning to write and recognize numbers.
Sarah got to sing with a small group of children that go to her school during a church service for "Preschool Sunday".  After the service the school held a chicken noodle lunch fundraiser for the preschool.  (Sarah is in the back row, wearing a purple polka-dot dress, standing next to a girl wearing bright blue.)
This was a large felt mitten project that Sarah's class worked on to go along with the story, "The Mitten", by Jan Brett.  All of the animals fit down inside the white mitten.
Sarah got to be the calendar helper and the prayer helper this month.  When it was her turn to be the prayer helper she got to say a prayer aloud at chapel time in front of all of the preschool classes.  She told me that she said, "I hope my mommy and daddy have a good baby and I hope it is a girl.  Amen. "  She also told me that she said it so that everyone could hear it.
Sarah participated in the Trike-A-Thon to help raise money for St. Jude Hospital.  She had a great time riding her bike with her friends at school. 

Sarah's Bible verse for January was, "The Lord is my helper I will not be afraid."  Hebrews 13:6

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