Sarah continues to do very well in school and enjoy it! Her second quarter grade card came home with all S's! (S = Satisfactory, and is the best mark that she can receive on her report card this year.) She has also mastered 3/5 sight word lists! We are very happy that she is doing so well.
She has also started to enjoy looking at and reading books even more now that she can read some of the words herself. It is a challenge to her, but she likes it... Telling us, "Don't tell me the word! I want to do it." (talking about sounding out words in the stories.)
Sarah enjoys coloring, writing words, and creating. She likes to get paper and a pencil and write words and sentences to go along with a picture that she drew or colored. Many times throughout the day she will ask Eric and I... "How do you spell... or What does this spell....?"
Me: Have you done any art projects at school? What are they?Sarah: "Ya. Penguins, snowmen, the gingerbread house, and caterpillars. We used cutting and gluing. And, we used paper. We used crayons to color it."
She has been learning to count by 10's and continues practicing writing all of the numbers in order.
Me: Do you get to play games at school? Like what?Sarah: "We get to play Around the World and we get to play I Have Who Has, and we get to play BINGO, and the Frog game. It has letters in it and there is a button on his back and when you push the button a letter comes out of his mouth. You have to get it and say the letter."
Me: What is your favorite work to do at school?
Sarah: "Helping my teacher do some papers. Well she gives them out to everybody and then we have to do them. We work on them together."
In math, they have been working on simple addition, money, and counting.
Below are two pictures that she drew during an indoor recess this month. One picture for Phoebe and the other for Eric and I.
She was excited to tell me she had won a sucker from her teacher one day when I picked her up from school... She told me that her teacher asked them all to draw a picture of a Dalmatian and the best one would win a prize. Three people were actually awarded the sucker and Sarah was one of them!
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