The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Our Family At Menards

Lowe's, Home Depot, True Value, and Menard's... These are just some of Eric's favorite places to "shop".  I do not enjoy these places as much as he does.  Okay, the truth is a lot of times I will wait in the car with the kids while he goes into these stores.  If I do go in, I look at items like decorative garden flags, lamps, home organizing items, magazines at the check out stand, and beyond that I start to get pretty bored and impatient... except at Menard's.  Menard's is the most family friendly store on Eric's list of favorite stores.  There are things there that men, women and children would enjoy looking at and shopping for, plus they have a few of these fun cars attached to their shopping carts that small children like to ride in and pretend to race around in all over the store.  This was Silas's first time to get to ride in one of these car carts and he clearly loved it!  (Notice Eric in the background.  He is very intently studying the lawnmowers and deciding whether or not this is "the one" we should buy.) 
So, while Eric looked at the lawnmowers (for about thirty minutes) the kids and I entertained ourselves with this yellow car cart.  We had already walked around the store and looked at all of the normal things we like to look at that day...  
When Silas had enough of the yellow car cart, and in an attempt to speed things up a bit, he decided to help Daddy out with checking out the lawnmowers.  I am pretty sure he had some good suggestions about this model and drooled all over it while making the suggestions.

Finally when the decision was made to buy "the one", I was relieved and we were ALL ready to check out, so we loaded back into the yellow car cart and headed to the front of the store... in a fashionable little Hendrickson parade... three kids, a yellow car cart, two adults, and a new mower.

1 comment:

  1. The Baby LOVES Menards!
    But he thinks the name of it is "save big money". :)
