The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sarah's August And September School Report

Sarah is a big 5th grader this year!  Her last year at elementary school.  It is hard to believe.  We hope she has a good year of learning and strengthening friendships before heading to middle school next year.  She has always tried her best to be a good example and role model to the children around her... We know she will continue to do the "right" things, and show kindness and compassion to others.
(Below and above) first day of school pictures...
Daddy wasn't able to go with the girls on the first day of school because he was out of town for work, so he walked the girls to their classrooms on the second day of school.
Sarah's cursive has gotten very good.  Thanks to her Nanee for starting her off learning to write the letters correctly and her name in cursive, and to her 4th grade teacher (last year) for making sure each one of her students learned and practiced writing all of the letters in cursive.
Sarah studies at home for upcoming tests, including spelling tests.  She has done very well on all of her spelling tests so far this year.
Her class has already been on one field trip, to the Great Plains Nature Center.
After testing in August to determine placement for levelized Math and Reading groups, Sarah was placed in the "Above Level" reading group and the "Above Level" math group in September.  Sarah enjoys reading and spends a lot of her free-time reading books at home and in the car when we are driving places.  Math seems easy for Sarah, but when there is something that she doesn't quite get or understand, Daddy is the math-go-to guy for help.  Sarah is getting better at double-checking her work.  She likes to get things right the first time, but sometimes can get in a bit of a hurry and will make a silly mistake.  We have encouraged her to slow-down, double check, and make her work neat and readable.
Her school held a 5th grade STEM night for families in September.  (Science Technology, Engineering, and Math)  Eric went with her.  They had to construct a building using only the materials provided... cardboard, toothpicks, marshmallows, and foil.  Later Eric discovered they could have used some tape too, but he and Sarah didn't need it.  They held their structure together without it!  Each team's structure had to withstand a JELLO earthquake.  Sarah and Eric's structure passed the test!  I am sure it was easily the best built and coolest looking structure there that night.  Toward the end of the night there was a drawing for a few door prizes.  Sarah won a Snap Circuits Jr. set.  She was very excited to bring this home and to show us what it could do.  She, Phoebe, and Silas have all enjoyed building circuits together and learning about electronics at home with the Snap Circuit Jr. set.  Thank you 5th grade teachers and other staff members for a fun night out for Eric and Sarah!
5th grade will no doubt be another great year for Sarah.  She has a nice teacher and several friends in her class.  She will be challenged throughout the year and will grow academically, socially, physically, and mentally.  (I know every parent thinks their kid is great.)  BUT, my kid IS GREAT!  I love her so much!  She is going places!  Keep it up, Sarah!

Phoebe's August And September School Report

Phoebe has had a great first two months of school!  She has the same teacher as last year.  Her teacher was able to loop up with her entire class - which made for an easy transition from 1st grade to 2nd grade for the students in her class and her teacher.  We were all VERY HAPPY about her having this particular teacher two years in a row.  He is excellent, motivated, caring, organized, funny, responsible, honest, and a FANTASTIC teacher!  Did I mention we are glad Phoebe gets to have him again?
(Below and above) first day of school pictures...
On the first day of school Phoebe wrote, "I want to learn about math.  Next I want to learn about healthy food.  Then I want ot learn about money."
Daddy wasn't able to go with the girls on the first day of school because he was out of town for work, so he walked them to their classrooms on the second day of school.
Below, is a flip-flop project that Phoebe completed.
Her class learned some about solar eclipses.  The students at her school did not go outside to watch the eclipse, but were able to watch it on t.v. in their classrooms.
Phoebe has been doing great on her spelling tests!  She studies the words at school and at home during the week.  The spelling tests are taken on the last school day of each week.
Phoebe has reading and math homework every week.  There are activities and worksheets to complete each night.
After testing in August to determine placement for levelized Math and Reading groups, Phoebe was placed in the "Above Level" reading group and the "On Level" math group in September.  At the end of September Phoebe was doing well enough and progressing quickly enough to be moved to the "Above Level" math group.  Way to work hard, Phoebe!
Keep working hard, Phoebe!  We are happy to see you succeeding and progressing in school.

Silas's September School Report

Silas started pre-k in September.  He was excited to get to got school like his sisters.  While getting ready on the first day, he came over to me and said, very sincerely, "Mommy, I'm sorry."  Me, "Oh, what for buddy?"  Silas, "Because you will be have to be here all by yourself."  (So, cute!  He truly was sorry to be leaving me at home by myself while he and the sisters went to school.  Ha ha ha!  Don't worry, buddy.  I will be just fine.)
Each week his teacher concentrates on helping the students learn one letter and one number.  They also have a Bible verse each week to learn.
On his first day he came home with this drawing (below) that he made.
Below are his number and letter practice sheets.
He was very excited to have "homework" for the first time... He had to practice writing capital and lowercase Ii's.  If he completed his homework and turned it in on the next school day he would get to pick a prize from his teacher's prize box.
He gets to do some coloring and painting.
And, he gets to do some art projects.
There are several helper jobs assigned to the kids in his class each day... Line Leader, Calendar Helper, Prayer Helper, Door/Gate Helper, and Lights Helper are some of the jobs.
So far, he likes his school, teachers, and new friends.  He is happy on school days, and often when I pick him up he asks me if he can "stay longer" that day or go to school on some more days.