The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Silas's September School Report

Silas started pre-k in September.  He was excited to get to got school like his sisters.  While getting ready on the first day, he came over to me and said, very sincerely, "Mommy, I'm sorry."  Me, "Oh, what for buddy?"  Silas, "Because you will be have to be here all by yourself."  (So, cute!  He truly was sorry to be leaving me at home by myself while he and the sisters went to school.  Ha ha ha!  Don't worry, buddy.  I will be just fine.)
Each week his teacher concentrates on helping the students learn one letter and one number.  They also have a Bible verse each week to learn.
On his first day he came home with this drawing (below) that he made.
Below are his number and letter practice sheets.
He was very excited to have "homework" for the first time... He had to practice writing capital and lowercase Ii's.  If he completed his homework and turned it in on the next school day he would get to pick a prize from his teacher's prize box.
He gets to do some coloring and painting.
And, he gets to do some art projects.
There are several helper jobs assigned to the kids in his class each day... Line Leader, Calendar Helper, Prayer Helper, Door/Gate Helper, and Lights Helper are some of the jobs.
So far, he likes his school, teachers, and new friends.  He is happy on school days, and often when I pick him up he asks me if he can "stay longer" that day or go to school on some more days.

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