The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Silas's December and January School Report

Silas had a fun last two months of school.  He looks forward to going to school each day, and is a little disappointed when he has to wait over the weekend for another school day to arrive for him.  He loves his teachers and likes the kids in his class.  He loves recess, playing in the gym, painting, being picked to be the line-leader, and playing fun games with his friends.
He still occasionally has a homework sheet to help him practice writing his upper and lowercase letters.  He does not mind doing this homework and is excited to turn it in so that he can get a small prize from his teacher's prize box in the classroom.
The teacher tries to focus on a different letter and number each week.  The students do several different activities to practice, learn, and reinforce the letter and number throughout the week.
Before Christmas he got to make a few Christmas ornaments and decorations.
His school had a Christmas program.  They played the bells for two songs and sang two songs, with actions for the audience.
Silas was a great bell ringer!  He watched his teacher and rang his bell right when his was supposed to...with much enthusiasm!

He knew all the actions to the songs and loved doing the part where he got to point to his family members in the audience.
They had pre-recorded a cute little version of the real Christmas story about the birth of Jesus for the audience to watch.  Silas was one of the Wisemen. He is dressed in the crown and light brown/tan outfit in the picture below.
After the program there was hot chocolate and cookies for all to enjoy.
Popee and Nanee were able to come to the program with us.
Silas likes to draw.  His drawings are improving.  He is starting to add more details and colors into his pictures.
Santa came to visit all of the children at Silas's school too.  They each got a candy cane from him.
The letter Cc was a tough one for Silas to write.  Maybe the most challenging and frustrating of all so far...  It was hard for him to make it rounded instead of straight down.
His class had been learning lots of Nursery Rhymes and actions to go along with them.  It is cute to hear him recite them at home and in the car.  He'll say to Eric or I, "Do you know this one???" And rattle off one of the old favorites, like Humpty Dumpty, or Little Boy Blue, or Jack and Jill....
You are doing a good job as school, Silas!  Daddy and I are glad you like it and are learning new things each week.

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