The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Monday, February 25, 2019

Upward Bball 2019 - Week 7

** Guest Blogger **
Eric Hendrickson

Silas Game #7 vs. Nuggets - February 23rd
Silas had his best game of the year today.
See how he is protecting the ball from the defender (above).
I know he wishes he could steal right now (above).  Is this young age group, they have a rule of "no stealing".  He can't wait for next year.
Silas is doing a better job on defense at looking at the ball and his person.  He is also better at anticipating passes and getting loose balls.  On offense he is passing better and made 11 baskets today.

Phoebe Game #9 vs. Sun - February 23rd
Today Phoebe had a triple header (see explanation below).
Phoebe was guarded by her friend Haylee (above).
We were up 22 to 8 at halftime and won the game 32-22.  Phoebe had 8 points.

Phoebe Game #10 vs. Rockets - February 23rd
Our second game was against the team that doesn't like to follow the defensive rules.  As usual, they were up to their same rule breaking for this game.  (No zone defense is to be played in this Upward league.)
I told the girls to spread out on offense.  The girls would be out 15-20 feet from the basket and their defender would stay in the lane.
The girls are to defend at arms length.  As you can see here the girl was staying away.  I told Phoebe to stay there dribbling until she came up and played defense.
We were losing 23 to 12 at half.  By the second half, we were out of gas.  It didn't help that snowy weather this week limited our Tuesday night practice to just 2 girls.  The other team came in with a game plan to throw it to the tall girls camping in the lane.  Our game plan of spreading it out would have been more effective with a practice (and the other team following the rules).
By the end of the game, I was fed up and upset that the referees would not enforce the rule (and probably more vocal than I should have been).  Not only that, they were calling ticky-tack fouls on us for moving screens but would not call 3 seconds in the lane for the other team camping out in the lane.  Very frustrating.
We lost a high scoring game 49-30.  Phoebe played great defense and was a good example of playing with endurance.

Sarah Game #7 vs. Celtics - February 23rd
For Sarah's game, we had one girl not show (reason unknown) and two girls were sick so we were down to three girls and needed another player.  Here comes Phoebe to save the day.  She was pumped to join her sister and friend, Abigail for this game.
Phoebe was a little nervous but ready to go.  This would be her first full-court game.
No subs and going full court all game was tough on these girls.
Although we were short handed, we played great.
Sarah had missed her last (8) free throws in prior games.  She was lacking confidence is all.  I told here to get a little more arc and she made (4) in a row.  The referee made it a point to let me know that her free throw shooting is textbook.
Sarah shuts down any player she is on.  She also took another charge when she flopped after the other team pushed out with their arm.
Phoebe played good defense and made one of two baskets with a beautiful pass from her sister to her.  She even played defense a few periods on a 7th grader that is a foot taller than her.
Whenever Sarah gets double teamed, she knows to pass.  She has greatly improved her passing this Upward season.
About 90% of Sarah's shots are layups.  The other team has decided to foul Sarah every time they can when she shoots one (that is if they can keep up with her down the court).  Some of the fouls have been hard fouls and one this week should have been a flagrant foul as it was more of a tackle.  Sarah has beat up knees and elbows after these games especially today's game.
We won 28-10.  Sarah had 20 points.  Phoebe had 2 points.
Good job girls and thanks to Phoebe for stepping in.  Our team today, (above) Phoebe, Sarah, Abigail, and Lauren.

December and January - Sarah

At the end of December Sarah brought home a bunch of her art projects that she still had at school and some that had been on display in the hallway and art room.  She was sad that her art class was ending and wished it could have been a year long class instead of only a semester.  In January when she went back to school after the Christmas break she started two new classes, General Music and Keyboarding.
Sarah continues to do very well in school.  She leads by example in her classrooms.  Her teachers all have wonderful things to say about her, her attitude, and her work ethic.
She rarely has homework because she works hard at school and uses her time wisely.
Math may not be her favorite subject but she excels at it.
2nd nine weeks report cards came home... ALL A's AGAIN for Sarah!  Which also means she retains her 4.0 GPA and remains on the ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE HONOR ROLL at her middle school.  Way to go, Sarah! 
She has been enjoying her new General Music class.  She had to do a report and presentation on a music artist and she choose Lauren Daigle.  She did very well on the project.
When Sarah knows she has a test coming up in a class she prepares at home for it by studying in the evenings.
GREAT JOB, Sarah!  Keep being the ROCKSTAR that you are!

December and January - Silas

It's been another great two months of school for Silas.  He is a leader among his classmates and a good helper to his teacher at school.
One day before Christmas break all of Kindergarten had Polar Express Day.  They all got to wear their pajamas to school, do Polar Express activities, drink hot chocolate, and watch the Polar Express movie.
Silas's class each made a page for an Animal book and their teacher had it published into a book.  When it arrived in the mail, they had a Publisher's Party in their classroom.
Before Christmas break, Silas got to start taking AR (reading comprehension) tests at school during his 1st grade reading group time.  He was thrilled.  His sisters have talked about taking AR tests at school and earning points when they did well on the tests.  Now it is his turn to take the tests, earn points, and get to go to the AR store at the end of each nine weeks.
Santa made a visit to the school in December.  He made a stop in every classroom and gave every student a new book.
Below, is Silas's elf project that he made.  It was huge!  It stood almost as tall as me.
The school wide Christmas Sing-A-Long was held the day before Christmas break.  Each grade level got to perform 1 - 2 songs.
After the Sing-A-Long all the students returned to their classrooms for their parties.
Silas enjoyed the snacks and games in his classroom.  His teacher gave them each a new book and a scarf.
He has homework worksheets every evening to complete.  He also has to spend time reading out loud to us in the evenings and recording the titles of the books he reads us on his homework sheets.
His second nine weeks report card reflected his hard work and effort that he gives daily at school.  Great job, Silas!
Silas was very excited to bring home this certificate (below) for passing 1st grade reading list A.  List A consists of 100 words that 1st grade students must learn.  There are three lists that first grade students learn, list A = 100 words, list B = 100 words, and list C = 300 words.  He also received a prize from his teachers for passing list A.
Three days later, he brought home a certificate for passing 1st grade list B!!!!  The very next day he attempted list C.  He got 270 words right out of 300!  Wowzer, what a little smartie pants!  He'll have to keep working on 1st grade list C, but I am sure he will pass it before this school year is over.
Popee and Nanee came for "Lunch with Grandparents" day in January.  They brought Spangles to the school for Silas and Phoebe.
Silas received a Positive Office Referral from his teacher in January.  She wrote, "Silas was/is a very responsible student.  I can always count on him to do the right thing, without being asked.  Yesterday, he was a big help to the sub when she was teaching for me.  I am so lucky to have such an honest student, who is always following expectations!"  And, the Principal wrote, "Silas leads with a positive example for others.  He is helpful and kind and a student we can count on.  Keep being a great leader.
His class celebrated the 100th day of school by dressing like they were "100"  Silas wore glasses, a gray beard, and used a 4-prong cane all day long.
Below, a bunch of "100 Year Old" Kindergarteners and their teacher.
The two friends Silas talks about the most at home and loves playing with at school, are Owen and Collin.
They did a few Kansas Day activities for Kansas Day in January.  (My favorite sentence on the Kansas sentences below is, "Jayhawks are not real birds.")