The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Saturday, February 2, 2019

What Happened In January...

Charlie, our cat, has been finding himself inside more and more lately.  He likes it.  One evening Silas and the girls had his Magic Tracks all set up and they all played with it together for a very long time.  Charlie would chase the cars and trucks around the track and pounce on them like they were mice running from him
Eric got to be recognized and accept a plaque on behalf of his employer, Hutton, at a Friday night basketball game. (Andover vs. Derby boys and girls varsity games)  Our family got to all go too and enjoyed some treats from the concession stand while watching the games.  The Derby girls won in a blow-away but the boys game was much closer and more exciting to watch.  It came down to the last few seconds, with Andover boys winning.
Upward basketball 2019 has officially started.  Silas is on a pre-k and kindergarten team this year.  he is the tallest on his team again.  Our friends, David and Mandy, are coaching his team.
Eric is coaching Phoebe's Upward basketball team (below) and Sarah's Upward team again this year.
We will take this moment for a cat interruption... Eric and the kids were having game night... Charlie thought the little SORRY pegs/game pieces were extra fun to bat around and chase across the living room floor.
 We got a dusting of snow and some ice one weekend.  Of course this meant we needed to drag out all of our warm clothes and go out in it to play.  The kids had fun running and sliding.
We attended the Wichita Thunder Hockey game on Saturday, January 26th.
We even ran in to one of my all time favorite childhood, middle school, high school, college... friends for life! Brian, it was SO GREAT to see and visit with you and your son.  We're all looking forward to seeing you and your family again soon!  (Brian's Mom and my Mom taught together for over 30 years!  Their classrooms were right across from each other.  We grew up together.  Brian and I spent many after school times playing together.  We played sports together.  And, we have always had LOTS of fun together!)
The hockey game was fun and the Thunder won.

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