The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Friday, May 24, 2019

February and March - Sarah

Grandma Sharon was visiting us during the 3rd nine weeks conference time so she got to come along, tour the middle school, and meet some of Sarah's teachers with us.
Sarah's teachers all had positive things to tell us at conferences.  She is a leader among her classmates and continues to do extremely well academically.
In Science she has been studying about solar systems and rocks.
She and another classmate had to create a board game in science class.  They worked hard together to come up with a nice, neatly done, game for the class to play.  Below was the grading rubric.  They received a 46/50.
Sarah has really been enjoying her General Music class.  The teacher is kind and enthusiastic about teaching his students.  Sarah has been learning to play the guitar.
Sarah works hard in her Advanced Math course.  She rarely has homework, but when she does, she comes right home and gets to work on it.  She uses her time wisely at school and manages to get most of her homework done in the last period of the day, Guided Study.
Below, Sarah had two pieces of artwork displayed at the district art fair.
 She was awarded a first place ribbon for her artwork pictured below.
 And, finally her 3rd nine weeks grades.  All A's, of course.  Great work, Sarah!

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