The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Things We Did In July

Silas had lots of fun throughout July finding LOTS of these small toads at the baseball fields, at our house, and other random places.
We started to see the Turkeys again at our house.  They are fun to watch.
Phoebe attended the High School Volleyball Camp with a few of her friends, put on by my friend, Mary (Coach Askren).  Mary and I grew up together.  She lived a few houses away from us and we became fast friends in 6th grade when we started riding the bus to school together.  We played sports together, went to dances together, and we spent lots of time at our house and her house playing games and having sleep overs.  She was and still is a good friend.  I was excited for my girls to meet her and get to learn from her about how to be a good volleyball player.
Phoebe had a good time and made some big improvements.
Silas even got to join in the camp a couple of times.  He liked learning to play and getting to be included.
Below, the group picture of Phoebe and Silas's camp.  Phoebe, top row, left side.  Silas, bottom row, touching the volleyball on the ground.
They even got to try spiking.
They each received a t-shirt, a certificate, a lollipop, and a group picture.
Below, left to right, Jade (Mary's daughter), Silas, Mary, Phoebe, Stacee, and Sarah.
Sarah also attended Volleyball Camp put on by Mary (Coach Askren).
Sarah did well and also made great improvements.  Below, Sarah, back row, left side.
On the last day they spilt up into teams and played a little tournament.
There were some awards, t-shirts, certificates, and group pictures given on the last day too.
Phoebe and our friend, Shawna took Sewing 101 at the local Joann's store.  They learned to thread a needle, hand stitch, and to do some basic sewing on a sewing machine.
The first day they each made a pillow.
Nice work girls!
On the second day they each made a pillowcase.

We had been hearing for awhile that we should try out Rockin Ricos gourmet sno-cones in Derby... So one day when Popee and Nanee were visiting us, we went over to give them a try.
There were so many different kinds to choose from.  We each picked a different kind and none of us was disappointed.
I ordered a sprinkler for our Trampoline for the kids.  When it FINALLY arrived (from China) it didn't have any directions, parts that were a mystery and was junk.  I'm glad it only cost about $20.  AND, I am especially glad that I have a smart husband who can figure out and fix just about anything.  As soon as he arrived home from work that evening, he got started fixing the new sprinkler and hanging it up.  Then he AND the kids all got on the trampoline to try it out.
It worked pretty well and they really liked how the water sprayed down from around the rim of the net all over the trampoline.
We spent one afternoon at Rock River Rapids in Derby with friends swimming, riding around the Lazy River, and sliding down some super fast slides.
On another morning we met friends for donuts then went to the bowling alley to bowl a few games together.  Below, Phoebe, Sarah, Shawna, and Abigail...four of my favorite girls in the world.
We got to spend time swimming at Doug's house one day.
The kids had a great time together.  Below, left to right, Abigail, Felicity, Silas, Phoebe, Haylee, Sarah, and Shawna.
There were a few cheerleader pool moves performed and a little chicken fighting that happened too.
After our picnic we all went to Rockin Rico's for sno-cones.
We got to spend an evening bass fishing in Mitch and Karen's farm pond.
Phoebe and Silas have both really started to enjoy fishing with Popee.  Phoebe has the most patience and loves the excitement of reeling in a big one with Popee's help.

Eric was with us and he got to use Mitch's little boat to troll around the pond fishing.
Silas and I fished from the dock the whole time.  He does not have much patience yet and likes to reel his line right in, forgets to watch his bobber sometimes, and has a hard time holding still.  With all that being said when he does get one on, and reels it in, I love to see his smile and his inquisitive eyes when he sees his catch.  I believe he will be a great fisherman some day.

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