The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Saturday, April 11, 2020

March Fun

We had a lot of fun this season watching our local high school basketball varsity teams.  The boys had an undefeated season and were packed with talented boys who played well together.  Sarah, Silas, and I attended the Campus basketball 6A Regional championship game with some of our friends.  The boys won and were our 6A Sub-State Champions!
Below, Mandy, Sarah, Abigail, Silas, Stacee, and Traci.
After the win, fans joined the players on the court for celebrations.
Steele and his brother Sterling Chapman were some of our favorites this season.
Silas's favorite was Thomas King.
Below, Silas on the court with Steele and Thomas.

Eric accepted an award on behalf of his company, Hutton, at the halftime of the 5A sub-state championship game in Andover.  This game was particularly exciting to me because they played my high school for the championship...Andover vs Emporia High.  Emporia played hard, but fell to Andover.  It was a good game.
Sarah's YMCA volleyball team was undefeated for the season and played in a tournament to end their season.  They won!
Sarah's team - Below back row, left to right, Coach Cassie, Emmi, Hope, Sarah, Delaney, Coach Mike, and Coach Adrian.  Front row, left to right, Kayla, Reagan, Finley, and Ava.
Silas and Phoebe enjoyed an evening of roller skating with some of their friends from school in March.  We hadn't been able to make any of our other school skating parties this year, so I am especially glad we were able to make it to this one the week before spring break.  Silas even won the Four Corners game!  His prize was a drink and big cookie from the snack bar.
Roller Skating friends - Silas, Shawna, and Phoebe.
Eric took the kids to a nearby pond to do some frog hunting and catching.  They also saw a lot of turtles.

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