On April 1st we drove to Manhappiness and went to K-State Open House. It was a very fun day. We wanted to show our kids all around campus, gather some college information for Sarah, and have a fun family day. We started out at the Student Union, then took a walking tour all over campus.
We ate lunch outside the Union then visited Eric's KSU College of Engineering buildings.
We found Eric's name on the board of Pi Chapter of Sigma Lambda Chi, the International Construction Honor Society, inducted in 2000.
There were so many great things set up for kids and families to do all over campus. Silas especially loved the College of Engineering, Veterinary Medicine, and Entomology displays and hands on booths
We visited the building were I had most of my classes, in the KSU College of Human Ecology.
The last thing we did on campus before heading home was a stop at Call Hall for ice cream. YUM!!!
On April 5th I got five new chicks at Tractor Supply. Eric helped me make our run bigger so we could add to our flock. I got two White Leghorns, one Golden Comet, and two Crevecoeurs. The Crevecoeur is a fancy breed. They are the two that look like they have puff balls on their heads.
Of Course the kids and I named them... Below, left to right, Annie, Goldie, Honey, Clover, and Beaker.
Sarah's JV softball season continued. She is playing tough this season and is a lot of fun to watch. Dad came and went to several games with us.
The weather was perfect on Easter Sunday. We went to church in the morning and then headed to Hesston to my cousin, Josh's, house for the annual Hastings Easter family gathering.
I tried using the self-timer on my camera for a family picture... It had been awhile since I had used it, and I wasn't quick enough to get in the picture the first couple times... My family took advantage of me being slow to show how funny they can be. Looking good family!
We had a great Easter afternoon at Josh's house and his barn, Emma Creek Barn, with our family.
We ate a lot of good food and dessert, had a big Nerf War, our annual Wiffle Ball game, and a Easter egg hunt.
Below this year's Wiffle Ball players, left to right, Lindsee, Silas, Chris, Johannah, Stacee, Owen, Camryn, Will, Sarah, Eric, Josh, Phoebe, Natasha, Dale, EP, Jordan, Hayley, Zach, and Preston.
Below, Easter egg hunters, left to right, Zach, Sarah, Phoebe, Jackson, Will, Hayley, Silas, and Preston.
Below, Dad and two of his brothers, Charles and Dale.
Silas's fourth grade class enjoyed Sno-Cones as a reward at school for being the top fourth grade fundraising classroom.
Phoebe participated in a Kids For Christ Blast event in April. She and a few other kids stayed after school, went to print their own tshirts, ate dinner together, and went to a Thunder hockey game.
Sarah had four extra fans at one of her softball games... Will, Popee, Grandma Sharon, and Uncle Tom.
I went with Phoebe's choir, the Silverbacks, to Oklahoma City where they performed/competed in the Heartland Music Festival. They received a double one sweepstakes rating. and the sopranos and baritones were recognized for "Outstanding Sections". After their performance the choir and chaperones all headed to Frontier City (amusement park) for the remainder of the day. I walked around and rode rides with Phoebe and two of her friends, Noah and Ryland.
Below, Phoebe and her Soprano section.
Silas and the DUDES ran their practice 5K on April 25th. He ran a great race. Coming in third out of the DUDES, with a time of 25:31.
Sarah's high school basketball team had their awards and a bowling party in April. She received her basketball letter. Yay Sarah!
The chicks are growing quickly and getting their feathers in place of the down.
Below, our chicken Elsa likes to follow me around the yard and into the garages. She followed me in one day and hopped right up on top of the food can.
Moving Day! On April 29th we helped Lindsee, Will, and EP move into their new house. They will only be a few blocks for Dad and Mom's house. Their house is a beautiful multi-level home with an amazing back deck and flower garden area.