The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Corn on the Cob

I love to see my girls try new foods.  Just recently, Phoebe got to try corn on the cob for the first time.  She appeared to like it.  And, who really can say that they don't like corn on the cob?  It's colorful, sweet, and fun to eat!
(These two pictures above are of Phoebe -age 18 months - enjoying her corn on the cob.)

Some people, like my dad, like to put butter on it, let it melt, then dig into it.  My husband likes his corn on the cob plain.  I will eat it with our without butter.
(These two pictures above are of Sarah - age 18 months - enjoying some corn on the cob.)

Flossing my teeth after eating corn on the cob is a must though.  I cannot stand that feeling of something stuck in between my teeth and not being able to get it out.  So, if there is no floss nearby, I have been known to pass on the corn on the cob.  How about you?
(These two pictures above are of Sarah - about age 17 months - enjoying corn on the cob.)

Now that summer is fast approaching so are the yummy FRESH garden vegetables, including corn on the cob.  Fortunately for me, my dad has always had a huge garden every summer and we grew up eating all kinds of vegetables out of his garden.  He still plants his garden every year and shares lots of his vegetables with my family and his friends.  (I think his garden gets larger and more detailed every year!)
Sarah age 17 months
Sarah age 18 months
Sarah age 4

We will have a small garden spot in our yard this year.  Eric will plant cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes for us.  Sarah will love to go out and check for "Bobs", (Bobs = tomatoes, Bob the tomato from Veggie Tales) everyday just as she has in past summers.  And, if she finds one, or some, she will want to pick it... We always have to remind her not to pick the green Bobs.
(Phoebe, smiling for the picture with her corn on the cob.)

I am excited to see what this summer holds for us... and what fresh vegetables we will be eating!

1 comment:

  1. Yum! Roasted on the grill with a bit of butter and a dash of pepper, please! I remember how much Sarah loved her corn on the cob. I'm glad Phoebe likes it, too!
