The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spring Barn Sale 2011

The Barn Sale was on Saturday.  It was a great day outside... in the 80's with a light wind.  I arrived to set-up my booth at about 7:30am.  My Uncle Dale was there already with his booth almost set-up, so he was able to help me unload and set-up my tables.  He helped me pick a great spot that kept me in the shade all day long!  It wasn't long before lots of others started to show up too... vendors and shoppers.  Here is a look at my booth set-up. 
Here is my Uncle Dale and Aunt Jan's booth.  I love the name they choose.  To fully understand this name, I have to tell you that they bought a small old church a few years ago in Hesston, KS and live in it!  It is a very neat old church building.
This is a picture of Lilo, one of my cousin's, Josh and Beki's dogs.  She stole their son, Jackson's, Cheetos and went to try and eat them before anyone noticed.  Jackson did not notice, but a lot of us did!  She ate all she could out of the bag until Josh noticed and went over to ask her, "What do you have?" (in sort of a you're in trouble voice...).  She then gave him the "I know I am in trouble" classic dog look.
Here are a few other pictures that I took of cute signs, booths, and handmade items for sale.
All in all it was a good day.  I need to give thanks to my parents for staying all day with my girls so that I could participate in the Barn Sale and a thanks to my Uncle Dale, Aunt Jan, and Aunt Wyonna for their help setting up and tearing down.  You all ROCK!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I'm so stealing that photo of Lilo. Hilarious!! I hope you had a good time!
