The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November Papers

Sarah learned to write the lowercase letters g-j this month at school.  She continued to work on writing and recognizing numbers and counting.  She can count up to 34 now with no help!
This is a picture that Sarah drew for me one day while she was at school... They had to stay indoors for recess due to rain/mud.  She choose to color and draw and was very excited to give this finished picture to me... "Mommy this is a picture I drew for you.  It is you, me and Jesus. And, Jesus is making the light shine on us." (Jesus is the very tall person in the picture and Sarah and I are the two short people.) 

This is my favorite picture that ANY child has ever drawn or colored for me up to this point in my life.  For REAL.  It made my day and month.  When I look at this picture, hanging in its permanent home on our refrigerator, it makes me smile and warms my heart.  Sarah knows that Jesus loves her and others, and she can illustrate this in her drawing and in her words.
Sarah has been practicing cutting with scissors at school.  She hadn't used scissors very much before school started in September.  She is getting better at this skill.  She cut out the inny inchworm in the colored picture below for me when she brought it home that day from school.  She was able to turn the paper and cut all by herself and followed the dotted line pretty well.

We decided to let her practice cutting some more the week before Thanksgiving... She was helping Daddy cut wrapping paper pieces to wrap some Christmas presents when I heard from the living room, "Honey come out here..."  I went out to see what Eric and Sarah needed me for and discovered that when Eric wasn't looking, Sarah had cut a small piece of her hair... about 4 inches of hair in one small section on the right side of her head... and a few other random little hairs that lay around her on the floor.... all in all not too much hair was cut and the damage was minimal.  Not enough to need a big haircut, but enough to get in trouble and get the scissors taken away for awhile.
Here is a little refrigerator magnet - inny inchworm that Sarah made at school.  It is glued onto a clothespin, so it can hold papers.
We had our first parent teacher conference for Sarah this month.  Her teachers had very nice things to say about her.  They said she is polite, quiet, nice, and shy. Ms. Lila also said, "Sarah is a joy to have in our classroom.  She is such a hard little worker."  She has mastered most of the things on her Preschool Assessment report card in literacy and language, gross and fine motor skills, personal safety category, listening and verbal skills category, classroom interaction category, and in the spiritual development category.  (Yay Sarah!!!) Sarah IS smart and IS a hard worker.  We are glad that she is doing so well in school! 
Sarah made this cute little I Am Thankful book.
She came home with this card that she told me she had made for her Popee and Nanee... The turkey feathers are made with her hand prints.  Then she glued the paper on the inside of the card and signed her name.
Sarah finally got a turn to take the Mystery Bag home this past Monday.  As you can read below she had to bring the bag back on Wednesday with something in it that started with the letter j.  Then she had to give clues to her classmates about what she had picked to put in the bag that started with the letter j.  Once the item is guessed then Sarah could show and share about it with her classmates.  First, she thought of taking a jump rope in the bag.  Next, we thought about putting a jingle bell in the bag.  Then, we thought of putting her Jessie the Cowgirl Doll in the bag.  So, Jessie got to go to school in the Mystery Bag!
Some clues that Sarah gave to her classmates to help them guess what might be in the Mystery Bag were...*It has a pull string on the back *It has red yarn hair *She wears a cowgirl hat *She wears boots *She says "Yo-da-la-he-hoo!" *She has a horse named Bullseye *She was in two movies *She has friends named Woody and Buzz
She has been practicing for a school Christmas program, called "An Old Fashioned Christmas", that the the children will be performing in mid-December.  She has been learning the songs "We Three Kings" and "Angels We Have Heard on High".  It should be a cute performance and we are looking forward to it.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving in Texas - Day Three & Four

Sarah, Ayden and Phoebe played really well together while we were in Texas.  (Ayden is 8 months older than Phoebe.)  They all stayed up way too late, ate lots of snacks, drank lots of Capri~Suns, colored, danced, watched some Disney movies, and played with lots of toys. 

They played for a long time with this soccer goal net... moving it all around and trying to all get in it.
Here is Phoebe and Grandma Sharon on Thanksgiving day.  Phoebe was so very tired.  She had no nap, and was up late the night before.  Phoebe didn't eat much of her Thanksgiving dinner, but she and Sarah did eat almost three pieces of pumpkin pie later for dessert!
Sarah and Ayden liked standing on, walking on, and jumping off of Uncle Bret.
Our whole group... left to right, Sharon, Ayden, Andrea, Bret, Stacee, Phoebe, Eric, Sarah, and Marc.
Grandma Sharon with her three grandchildren, Ayden, Sarah and Phoebe.
Uncles and Aunts are the best!
We are thankful for our family in Texas!  We had such a fun time with you all.  We are thankful for the good food we got to eat and for the hands that prepared it. We are thankful for the nice weather we enjoyed while we were there and for our safe travels.

"I will praise the name of God with a song;  I will magnify him with Thanksgiving." Psalm 69:30

Thanksgiving in Texas - Days One & Two

 We traveled to Texas to visit some of Eric's family for Thanksgiving.  We had LOTS of FUN!  

Aunt Andrea did lots of "Aunt" things... french braiding hair, reading stories, providing cool coloring books, pretending to be the "Mother Butterfly", and giving out lots of love...
Sarah really liked holding and carrying around Bret and Andrea's little dog, Abby.

Uncle Marc, Uncle Bret and Uncle Eric did lots of "Uncle" things... coloring with the nieces and nephew, playing games - football, basketball, soccer, wrestling, tickling, and watching cartoons.
The weather was great for playing outside... We went to the park so the kids could play.  Eric and his brothers always want to play some football together.  We let them for awhile, then Sarah and Ayden joined them.
Ayden and Sarah loved playing football with the big boys!  The boys took turns coaching and being on the "kids" team.
Huddle up! Running, Chasing, Passing, Blocking, Tackling, and Laughing!
After football, showing us their MUSCLES!  They're tough... don't mess with the Hendricksons!
That evening we went to Eric's Uncle Tom's house for dinner and dancing.  Sarah wanted the boys to act like girls and do a dance for everyone to watch.  Of course, the boys did what she had requested....
And, here they are... THE GOOFBALLS!
How low can you go?
Once again, here they are THE GOOFBALLS.... this time mowing their lawns.
Thanks Uncle Tom for the very fun night at your house!  Thank you to THE GOOFBALLS for providing the entertainment for the evening.  I haven't laughed that hard in a long long time!