The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Bunny And Fish

Recently the girls and I went to Emporia for a short visit.  While we were there we got to help relocate a baby bunny from my parent's yard to a local park.  Sarah and Dad gloved up, caught the cute little bunny and got ready to release him....
This little bunny really liked Sarah!  It let her pick it up and hold it for a very long time.  It did not wiggle and try to get away from her once!  In fact, it looked so comfortable in her hands and arms.

Phoebe liked watching the bunny, but only touched it once on the leg.
We had a hard time getting Sarah to put the bunny down in a safe spot.  She thought maybe she could just keep right on holding it.... When she did finally put it down near a tree in some tall grass she also had to cover it with some grass that she pulled up to help hide it.
The weather was beautiful.  We also spent time at a small pond doing a little fishing.  Sarah and Popee caught a few small Perch.  

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