The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Sunday

The girls all dressed for Easter Sunday... Sarah with a couple of things out of her Easter bucket from Daddy and Mommy.
Our family at church.
Eric and his little girls.  Sarah and Phoebe hunting eggs and candy at the church egg hunt before church.
Posing for a couple cute pictures with their Easter dresses on before changing into play clothes and getting really dirty at my cousin Josh's house.
There was fishing, tire swinging, frog hunting, wagon rides, Frisbee golf, a picnic lunch, yummy dessert, butterfly catching, and maybe a little kissing....
Six Hastings cousins ready for an Easter egg hunt...
 There were two planes crop dusting fields around Josh and Beki's house.  They flew right over us...very low ...many times!
 The annual game of Easter Wiffle Ball was held.  It was renamed Barn Ball by Eric because we played by the barn.  Several balls hit the barn, some rolled past the barn, and a couple went over the barn.
In the evening we roasted marshmallows.  Sarah and Phoebe liked eating theirs unroasted, just plain, straight out of the bag.

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