The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Friday, June 1, 2012

Pandamania Day Three

Today was the third and last day of Pandamania VBS at our church.
Today's theme was God loves you, no matter what.  The story to go along with the theme was Jesus dies and comes back to life.  Luke 22:31-24:12

Today's snack was "The Cross of Life".  Each kid got large pretzel sticks, icing and sprinkles.  They could then spread the icing on the pretzels, add sprinkles and eat them.
When we see the cross, we should thank God for Jesus, who makes a path for us to live with God forever.  It reminds us how much God loves us, no matter what.
All three days of VBS the kids have been donating and collecting money for the Graham Family to help them with their start up costs to be missionaries with Team Expansion.  Every Team Expansion missionary starts as a volunteer (raising funds equal to his or her ministry needs plus the money it will take to support the worker's salary).  The Graham family will be serving in Mbale, Uganda East Africa.  As soon as their start up costs are raised they will be on their way.  (If you would like to help support the Graham's, please make checks payable to: Team Expansion (memo Africa) and send to 1826 S. Vassar; Wichita, KS 67218.)
Team Expansion workers baptized 829 new believers last year.  They also established 28 new churches, allowing their 340 workers in 46 countries to regularly welcome over 13 thousand worshippers worldwide each week.
The contest held over the past three days was boys vs. the girls to see which group could raise the most money for the Grahams.  If the boys won, Kelsey would get a pie in the face.  If the girls won, Nathan would get a  pie in the face.  The girls won!  The girls collected $180.39, (Nathan got the pie in his face) and the boys collected $158.38... for a total of $338.77.  Wow!  Good job girls and boys!
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

"Lead me along the path of everlasting life." Psalm 139:24

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