The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Colorado Visitors

My sister, Lindsee, and EP came into town last weekend.  Lindsee was the maid of honor in one of her friend's wedding in Topeka on Saturday night.  We got to spend some time with them both before they headed to Topeka and before they flew back to Colorado.  EP was a natural with Silas... putting him right to sleep!  Aunt Lindsee was great too.  They also picked out and gave us some cute outfits and shoes for Silas to wear this winter. 
Sarah and Phoebe really enjoyed having Lindsee and EP here.  They love to play and have tons of fun with their Aunt Lindsee and EP.  Sarah thought it was pretty cool to get to have her Aunt walk her up to her school and waiting to pick her up with me a couple times too.
It was great to have my sister here with us.  Any amount of sister time is always good.  
Thanks Lindsee, for all your help, the cooking, and for playing with the girls.  We love you!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back In Kansas

My parents left on August 4th on a trip to Alaska with my Uncle Ernie and Aunt Judy.  Their return date was August 21st.  This was a dream trip for my Dad.  He has always wanted to go there.  The plan was to drive to Ernie and Judy's house in Arkansas and then fly out from there.  They would all fly into Anchorage, Alaska and do and see many land sights then board the cruise ship for a seven day Alaskan cruise and excursions. 

(About the same time that this trip was planned and booked I found out that I was pregnant.  My due date was projected to be August 23rd, 2012, about the time when Dad and Mom would get back to Kansas from Alaska, so they would be here to help us with our girls and see the new grandbaby... things did not go as planned for my pregnancy and due date... they never do, and we had a baby before Dad and Mom got back!  We had lots of great help in my parent's absence and are thankful for those that were able to help us then and for a little help with meals, laundry, and playing with the girls from Nanee and Popee now that they are back in Kansas.)

Despite being on a dream vacation when the new grandbaby was born, Dad and Mom, along with Ernie and Judy, had a fabulous time in Alaska!  They have so many pictures and stories to share of their great trip.  Memories for a lifetime!  Here are just a few of Dad and Mom's pictures from their trip....
After getting back into Arkansas late on August 20th, Dad and Mom drove straight to our house the next morning to meet their new grandson, Silas Paul!  Sarah and Phoebe could not wait for their Nanee and Popee to get to our house.  They were excited to show off their new baby brother, and to play with Popee and Nanee.
Meeting and holding Silas for the first time....
Nanee and Popee with all three of their grandchildren! Sarah, Phoebe, and Silas....
Here are Nanee and Popee with Sarah two mornings before taking her to school....
Nanee and Popee brought Sarah, Phoebe, and Silas some gifts from Alaska... 
two new Alaska books, new Alaska t-shirts and a onesie, three stuffed Moose, and three stuffed dogs.
We are glad you are home safe and had a great trip, Nanee and Popee.  
Thank you for your help this past week!

Monday, August 20, 2012

His First Week At Home

Sarah and Phoebe have both been good big sisters!  Sarah wants to hold Silas a lot, and is helpful about getting things we need for him.  Phoebe doesn't mind trying to help change his diapers.  She also likes to just look at him.  Both girls have been very excited to show off and introduce their new baby brother to others... people that come to visit us, friends at church, and even strangers at the store.
Silas likes to sleep a lot during the daytime.He seems to have his days and nights confused just a little bit, but it is getting better as we get routines and schedules more established.  Here he is, during the daytime, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping.....
Some of the friends and relatives that came to see Silas.... John and Mary, Johannah, Dale and Jan, Jess and Andrew...
Uncle Matt came to see us, held the new nephew, played with the nieces, and ate lunch with us one day.
Silas had his first bath at home, given by Daddy.  At first he didn't seem to mind it, but shortly into it started to cry.
Here is our cute little fella in one of his outfits that Daddy picked out for him!
Over the weekend we renewed our zoo pass and we all went to the zoo.  We hadn't been since last February so both girls were very excited to go and look at all of the animals.  The weather was beautiful... 80's and cloud cover!  (Not 100 degrees or over 100 degrees like we have had all summer.)  This was Silas's first trip to the zoo.  He slept through most of it, except for when he woke up to eat.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Her First Days

We attended an Open House at Sarah's elementary school Tuesday night.  Basically all of the kid's and their families could go to the school, locate their classrooms, meet their teacher, and turn in school supplies. Sarah got her new purple Tinkerbell backpack ready to go with some supplies in it.  Phoebe insisted on bringing her hand-me-down, from Sarah, Toy Story backpack with us to the school too.  Sarah told me one time that evening while at the school that she was nervous.  I told her that I was too.  

On our drive home that evening I had a little breakdown.... I realized she was actually starting school, real school, for the first time the next day.  She is growing up.  And, I felt like a failure.  (Maybe all mom's feel this way at some point, maybe it is all the raging pregnancy hormones that are still inside me.....but I felt as though I had fallen short.  I hadn't done enough to prepare her.  I hadn't done enough fun things with her.  I didn't measure up.  I did not do my best.  That is hard to swallow.)  So, I called one of my friends... just to talk, and she listened and she told me she's been there too.  And, I am not a failure.  That I have done good and that I do good everyday.  Being a mom is hard work.  And, on the days  that we feel like failures and we know we did not do our best we can talk to God about it.  By his grace and with his mercy we can ask for forgiveness.  He helps us be strong and tells us how to love... unconditionally. 

Our children are very blessed and in return so are we.  We are trusted by God with their care.  They show their love for us everyday in their smiles, their laugh, the things they say,  the things they want to do with us.  A child and a parent's love is unconditional, just like God's love is for all of us.

Here are the girls before Open House Tuesday night....
Our three blessings from God, right before we took Sarah to School Wednesday morning for her first day!
For her first day of Kindergarten Sarah picked out a new Mickey Mouse shirt to wear, with some jean capris, and her hair in a ponytail with a purple headband.  She looked super cute!
She seemed happy and told me she was excited.  Eric came home from work so that he could go with us to take her to school on this big occasion.  We all walked into the building together holding hands.  Walked down the hallway and into her classroom.... Her teacher greeted her warmly and gave her a name tag for her table.  She got to choose her seat at any table.  She gave us each a hug and sat down.  Another girl came in close behind us and came right over and sat down next to her.  Sarah told me later that Rian, the girl who sat next to her, is her new friend and she even played outside at recess with her.  She had a great first day!  Other things she mentioned doing were listening to a story, coloring, writing her name, and eating a popsicle.
Ready for the second day of Kindergarten!  Sarah was excited today to wear her new "Brave" shirt with some sparkly black capri pants that Nanee and Popee gave her.  As soon as she walked into the classroom I overheard two girls, one of which was her new friend Rian, start talking to her about the movie "Brave" and about having some of the doll characters from "Brave".  
I know Sarah is going to have a great Kindergarten year!  I am so blessed and thankful that I have her for my daughter.  She is a beautiful, kind-hearted, full of energy, fun little girl.  I love her so much.