The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Monday, August 20, 2012

His First Week At Home

Sarah and Phoebe have both been good big sisters!  Sarah wants to hold Silas a lot, and is helpful about getting things we need for him.  Phoebe doesn't mind trying to help change his diapers.  She also likes to just look at him.  Both girls have been very excited to show off and introduce their new baby brother to others... people that come to visit us, friends at church, and even strangers at the store.
Silas likes to sleep a lot during the daytime.He seems to have his days and nights confused just a little bit, but it is getting better as we get routines and schedules more established.  Here he is, during the daytime, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping.....
Some of the friends and relatives that came to see Silas.... John and Mary, Johannah, Dale and Jan, Jess and Andrew...
Uncle Matt came to see us, held the new nephew, played with the nieces, and ate lunch with us one day.
Silas had his first bath at home, given by Daddy.  At first he didn't seem to mind it, but shortly into it started to cry.
Here is our cute little fella in one of his outfits that Daddy picked out for him!
Over the weekend we renewed our zoo pass and we all went to the zoo.  We hadn't been since last February so both girls were very excited to go and look at all of the animals.  The weather was beautiful... 80's and cloud cover!  (Not 100 degrees or over 100 degrees like we have had all summer.)  This was Silas's first trip to the zoo.  He slept through most of it, except for when he woke up to eat.

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