The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Welcome Baby Silas Paul!

Last Wednesday morning, August 8th, I went to the doctor's office for my weekly pregnancy check up.  My blood pressure was high again... 170/112.  My doctor decided to send me on over to the hospital to monitor my blood pressure again, and check on baby to make sure he/she was okay.  We headed over to the hospital got checked in and waited for the doctor to come on over and check on me.  (In the meantime Eric took our girls home to stay with some relatives and friends, and to get a few things he thought we might need.)  When the doctor arrived we talked a little and decided because I was already having some contractions, and I was 38 weeks to the day, and baby was looking good, he would go ahead and break my water.  (Yay!)  He broke my water between 1:00pm-1:30pm.  I was dilated to a 4 then.  Labor progressed quickly.  Soon I was at a 5, and having contractions every 2-3 minutes.  I asked for an epidural  and after having it, my contractions slowed down to about every 4-8 minutes.  Doctor decided to give me some pitocin.  After about 3-5 minutes of it going in my IV, I was checked and was dilated to a 10!  The doctor was called and everyone jumped into action!  When the doctor arrived I started pushing at 6:12pm.  I pushed 3-4 times and our baby was born at 6:17pm!

Welcome baby boy, Silas Paul Hendrickson!  We are so happy that you are here and healthy.  It is amazing how fast a baby just slips into your heart.  He weighed in at 7lbs 7oz, and was 19 inches long.
Our first hospital visitors after Silas was born... Ras and Nancy, Sarah and Phoebe (the Big Sisters), Charles and Wyonna, and Johannah.  Sarah and Phoebe both wanted to climb up on the bed to hold him and touch him.
Our family of five.... The Hendricksons... 3 Girls, a Guy and a Little Fella.
Silas has lots of dark hair.  This is different than our girls.  They both had very little hair and it was very light.
The next day (Thursday) in the hospital Eric's Grandma Dorothy and her friend Mike came to visit baby Silas and to help us watch the girls during the daytime.
The big sisters already love their little brother!
Eric took the girls to the store and let them each pick out a special toy for their new baby brother.  Sarah picked a colorful ball with a rattle on the inside and Phoebe picked a colorful stuffed dog for him.
In the hospital Silas had periods of being wide awake.  So cute and alert!
On our second full day (Friday) in the hospital... getting ready to go home... Daddy got him dressed in his special frog outfit that Sarah picked out for him.
In the carseat and ready to head outside to our van and drive home!
The girls and our friend Ras were waiting to welcome us all back home!  
I want to give a special "THANK YOU" out to all of those who helped us last week while I was in the hospital... THANK YOU, Ras and Nancy, Charles and Wyonna, Jessica and Andrew, Johannah, Dorothy, and Mike.  Our girls enjoyed their time with you and we appreciate everything that you each did for us.  It is great to know we have such amazing friends and relatives that we can call and count on in pinch.


    What a beautiful baby!

    I enjoyed the photos! He looks like his Grandma Sharon! Looking forward to seeing him!

    Aunt Nene

  2. Congrats. You are now officially in trouble. You two are out numbered, the balance of the Hendrickson household has shifted to the youth.


    1. Grandma Great August 15,2012
      We enjoyed the pictures and we are so happy you are all doing well.
      We enjoyed our hospital visit and caring for the girls for awhile.
      You all make a wonderful little family and we always enjoy the pictures.
      Love ya bunches----Grandma Great and Mike
