The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

2 Months and Fall Pictures

Silas is 2 months old... actually more than that now, but here are his 2 month pictures.
At his 2 month doctor appointment he weighed 11 lbs and 7 oz, putting him in the 32% for his weight.  He measured 23 inches, putting him in the 40% for his height.  He has been smiling a lot and likes to "talk" to us with his cute little baby noises.  
We also had some Fall pictures taken of the kids individually and together.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

ACC Fall Festival

We had our church's Fall Festival last Sunday.  I organized the silent auction part of the festival.  All proceeds from our silent auction go to our children's ministry programs.  Last year we raised approximately $2200.  This year we raised approximately $2100!  We had lots of great items to bid on this year... 227 items to be exact!  We had coupons and gift certificates, tools, themed baskets, books, jewelry, theater passes, Branson venue tickets, and handmade items... there was something for everyone!
We even had a "men's table" with lots of manly things!  

My dad pitched in with some of his handmade woodworking items... bird feeders, wren houses, cutting boards  a lollipop turkey, and a wooden decorative pumpkin patch.
There were some fabulous handmade scarves by Judy Grant, and blankets by Carol Ball and Carolyn Noddin.  Some popular items with the little girls were hair flowers and headbands made by Joyce Shelton, and hair bows and flowers made by Celia from "Lil-Miss-Maya", and little doll baskets with handmade blankets and outfits by Judy Stone.
We auctioned off all 25 of the stick horses that women in our church made last Spring for the children's musical.  (Phoebe has been riding her new horse all around our house now for two days... galloping down the hallway, galloping around the table... and neighing!) 
We also had three fabulous Christmas light boxes that Judy Turner made and donated for our auction.
Some of the themed baskets included... Coffee, Tea, Baking, Cookies, Reading, Get Well, Movies, Princess, Baby, Comfort, Scrapbooking, Fishing, Tools, Avon, Bath and Body, Christmas, and Pets.
Two other big parts of the Fall Festival are the chili supper and the pumpkin carving contest.... Last year my Dad and Sarah teamed up to carve a pumpkin that they said was supposed to look like our friend, Ras, and they won the award for "Highest Rated Pumpkin". (This means it is the best in ALL categories.)  So this year they teamed up again.  They even had a top secret pumpkin design idea.  Guess what...  They won again!!!  Two awards this time... "Top Rated Pumpkin" and most "Creative Pumpkin"!
Eric and Phoebe were a team again this year too.  Eric does a super job.  He looks at a picture and then free hand draws and carves something that Phoebe really likes.  (No patterns or tracing.)  Last year it was Elmo, this year it is Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc.
I had a lot of great helpers this year to make the silent auction and the Fall Festival run smoothly.  Thank you to everyone who gave their time and energy to help with collecting donations and making items for our auction, set-up, pumpkin pick-up, technology crew, kitchen crew, pumpkin carving contest judges and pumpkin master, cashiers and runners, clean-up crew, and anyone else who helped... THANK YOU!
Here it is... the "Highest Rated Pumpkin"!  Great job Popee and Sarah!  Better start planning soon for next year.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Papa's Pumpkin Patch 2012

Last weekend we went to Papa's Pumpkin Patch, a family owned and run patch.  It is our favorite pumpkin patch.  It is located six miles North of Newton, KS on Highway K-15, then 3/4 mile East (Look for the big orange tank).  There is no admission fee, only minimal charges to do some of the activities and to purchase a pumpkin.  And, you get to go out into the field,where the pumpkins were grown and are still on the vine, to pick and cut your own pumpkin.  Here is the link to their website, and you can find them on facebook.
The girls both wanted to try the big slide first, (a free activity). Phoebe was a little scared, but after clinging to Eric and I for the first couple rides down it, she got braver and would sit happily on our laps or next to us.
Next, a hayrack ride, (another free activity) all over the Patch.
Silas enjoyed the pumpkin patch too!
The sling shot...$1 for 4 shots. It has become somewhat of a challenge each year because the first year Eric and Sarah did it, they hit the target!  Now each year they try to hit it again.
More fun... all three kids as pumpkin scarecrows, and playing in the corn bin.  Silas did not play in the corn bin this year, only posed with Phoebe for the picture...  After Sarah and Phoebe played in the corn bin we found corn all day long falling off of them... in their pockets, pants, shoes, socks, and other unmentionable places!
Taking turns pulling and pushing the wagon...
Riding the barrels.
Heading out into the patch to find the perfect pumpkin.... 
Still looking...
Here it is.  A nice round pumpkin with some green and orange on it.  Sarah helped cut it.  Phoebe would not get out of the wagon.  She just watched.
A little pumpkin lesson from Daddy about pumpkin stems and how they get the water that helps them grow...
Sarah, Phoebe, and Silas ~ Papa's Pumpkin Patch 2012
Nanee, Silas, Phoebe, Sarah, and Popee ~ Papa's Pumpkin Patch 2012
Stacee, Silas, Sarah, Phoebe, and Eric ~ Papa's Pumpkin Patch 2012