The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

September Schoolwork

September has been a good month at school for Sarah.  She continues to work on writing, matching, grouping, sequencing, numbers, drawing, and comprehension.
Below are two pictures that Sarah drew of herself.
One day at school this month Sarah's teacher helped all of the kids in the class line up from shortest to tallest.Guess who was the tallest...?  Sarah!  She was very excited to be the tallest out of all the girls and boys in her class.  She couldn't wait to tell Daddy and Popee and Nanee this when we got home from school that day.  She had me help her call them right away when we got home.
Me: How has school been this month?
Sarah: "Good."
Me: What school "work" do you like doing the best?
Sarah: "color and trace."
Me: Do you sing any songs at school?  What are they?
Sarah: "Yes. Five little monkeys swinging from the tree, teasin' Mr. Alligator, can't catch me.  Along came Mr. Alligator sneaky as can be and snatched those monkeys right out of the tree."  Then 4, then 3, then 2 and so on. "Miss me, miss me, now you gotta kiss me. That is what the monkey says."
Me: Do you have a favorite story that your teacher has read to your class?
Sarah: "The pink one.  Pinkalicious."
Below is a picture that Sarah drew of our family... Daddy, Mommy, Sarah, Phoebe, Silas, and Jessee - our black dog.
Me: Is there anything that you do not like about school?
Sarah:  "Laying our heads down at recess one time.  And, I don't like to go home."
Me: What happens when some kids get in trouble at school and in your classroom?  What are the consequences?
Sarah: "They have to stand at the wall at recess.  And, sometimes they have to sit at time out and sometimes they have to go to the office.  And, sometimes at time out they have to lay their head down.  And, sometimes for time out they have to go out in the hallway."

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