The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving in Texas 2012

We headed South to Fort Worth, Texas to visit some of Eric's family for Thanksgiving last week.  On our first day there we went to a science and history museum.  Phoebe liked putting together a train track and the play grocery shopping center.
Eric, his brother Bret, our nephew Ayden, Sarah and Phoebe all enjoyed building with Legos.
Here they are outside the museum with the Grinch statue and a turtle statue.
We had a picnic and played at a big park South of Fort Worth.
Eric's mom brought a washers game for everyone to play...
The brothers, Eric, Bret and Marc, played their annual "brother football game".  It usually gets rough, involves trash talking each other, and laughing a lot.  Fun times.  We all enjoy watching them run, fall down, and tackle each other trying to get the football.  This year there was lots of "Go Daddy" cheering from Sarah and Phoebe.
After the games we posed for some family pictures....
Here is the Hendrickson Family: left to right - Stacee, Sharon, Marc, Eric, Silas, Sarah, Phoebe, Bret, Ayden and Andrea
We stayed with Eric's mom.  She has a new house and it was great to get to see it and spend time there with her.  The kids all played  very well together!  They especially enjoyed wrestling with the Daddies, playing hide and seek with them, and taking some horse rides on them.

Ayden wanted to hold his new little cousin Silas.  He did great and is going to be a great big brother to his new sister next February.  (We all will be excited to meet the newest addition to the Hendrickson family in 2013!)
On Thanksgiving day, Grandma Sharon let the kids help her make "Hershey's Kiss Cookies".  
She also let them inspect the Turkey's heart, neck, and other yucky inside parts before they got cooked.
And, they helped prepare the Turkey for cooking....
We all had a great time in Texas!  Thanks for everything Grandma Sharon.

Phoebe's Birthday Pictures

Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday Dear Sweet, Wonderful, Ornery, Cute, Lovable ~ PHOEBE!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Monsters Inc. Party

Phoebe requested a "Monsters Inc." birthday party this year.  It was a little hard to find Monsters Inc. party supplies though.  The Disney movie has been out now for quite a few years, but there is another Monsters Inc. coming out next summer.  (We can't wait for that!)  I was able to find some Monsters Inc. party invitations on ebay and of course my Super-Man of Many Talents-Dad, was able to free hand, with icing, a Mike Wasowski, (one of the main characters from Monsters Inc.) onto a birthday cake for Phoebe.
Eric and I tried cupcake decorating.  Clearly we should not open our own cupcake decorating business quite yet, but our girls did think that the cupcakes looked like Mike Wasowski, so maybe we aren't too bad at it.
I made some Monsters Inc. logo blue hard hats for decorations.  Both girls thought those were great.  And, I did make the large eyeballs for the stick the eyeball on Mike Wasowski game that we played.  
Thank you to Uncle Matt and Popee for making and coloring the large Mike Wasowski for our game.  It was a lot of fun!
Getting ready to light the candles on the Mike cake!
Trying and trying and trying to blow out the candles....
Enjoying the icing off the cake....
Silas had fun at his first birthday party to attend....
Phoebe got a lot of great gifts from friends and relatives.  She especially likes this soft "cotty" (this is what she calls a cat right now, a cross between a cat and a kitty).
Phoebe's little friends: Anna, Sarah, Lydia, Ian, Elizabeth, Phoebe, and Abigail
Phoebe's party guests: Dale, Nancy, Jess, Jan, Wyonna, Charles, Daddy, Silas, Ras, Anna, Melissa, Elizabeth, Johannah, Sarah, Ian, Michelle, Abigail, Lydia, Nanee, Popee, and Phoebe (not pictured, Mommy)
Some of us went to Burger King to eat lunch and play after the party....
The little girls had an especially fun time together!
Thanks everyone for coming to Phoebe's party and for her fun gifts!