The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Thursday, December 20, 2012

December Schoolwork

December was packed with learning, friends and fun!
Me: Did you learn anything new this month?
Sarah: "Reading some new sight words..."
Me: The weather has been colder this month.  What do you do at recess when it is very cold outside?
Sarah: "We play inside. Legos.  We color too and we play Lincoln Logs.  And, we play puzzles, baby dolls and doctor stuff to doctor the babies."
Me:  Did your class get to go to any Christmas assemblies this month?  What did you like about them?
Sarah: "Yes.  A concert.  The boys and girls played instruments.  They were little kids.  I think they played Jingle Bells.  I think.  The next show was a Christmas show, but I forgot what was in it."
Me: One day last week your class got to have "Polar Express Day".  What was special about that day?
Sarah: "We got to have Hot Cocoa, or Sprite, or Dr.Pepper, or pop.  We got to watch Polar Express.  And we got to have pizza and the other class came into our class to sit with the kids and eat with them.  We got to wear our pajamas to school.  I wore Tinkerbell pajamas and a pink fluffy in my hair because so I would look like Tinkerbell."
In the picture below that Sarah drew...
"It is a Rudolph picture and he got born in the den, in the cave.  Santa was there too.  And then he went to school.  (Sarah, pointing at the picture... ) That is the other reindeer and that is the Coach.  And then the Abominable came.  Then Rudolph and Clarice flied all the way to the castle because they were so afraid.  And when Rudolph and Clarice got back there was one elf still working."
 On the back of the paper was this drawing below by Sarah...
"And then Rudolph and Clarice helped to get Abominable away from them because they were so scared.  And then when they throwed him into the water and then a big fish ate him.  And then Abominable got spit out and he said, "That was good.  I was so afraid".  And then he was on the island of Misfit Toys.  And do you know what that is? (Sarah, pointing at the picture)  That's a jack in the box and the other one is a scooter.  And that is the storm."

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