The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

November Schoolwork

Sarah got her sticker chart filled up again this month.  The sticker chart is a way of rewarding good behavior. This time she choose a coupon that she could turn in to her teacher that said, "Use a pen all day long".
In November, some things Sarah learned about were bats, the Earth, water, the Pilgrims and Native Americans.
For Veteran's Day Sarah and her classmates learned what Veteran's have done for us and our country. They completed the Tree map below and they each made a card to give to a Veteran.
Sarah had a special day at school this month when she got to invite her grandparents to come eat lunch with her... Popee and Nanee were able to come and go through the lunch line with her and then they all ate together.
Me:  What did you all have to eat and drink?
Sarah: "We had milk.  We had pizza.  We had fruit, orange.  We had corn.  We had ice cream.  A fudgesicle is ice cream that is chocolate."
Me: Were there a lot of other kids with their grandparents there too?
Sarah: "Yes."
Me: Did you like having Nanee and Popee there?  Did anything exciting happen while they were there with you?
Sarah: "Yes.  A girl took our picture and they are going to put it in the Jaguar yearbook."
Sarah has been learning to measure in math this month.  One homework assignment was to trace and measure everyone in our family's feet. 
 She also started to learn about temperature, Fahrenheit and Celsius.
 They got to watch a short play put on by the older kids one morning at school about the three little pigs.
 They did several Thanksgiving projects and activities....  I love seeing her ideas of what Thanksgiving is about and how we celebrate.  For instance below she drew the turkey, a car, and people playing football, in her story about "My Thanksgiving Dinner!"
 Below are three things that Sarah shared with her teachers and classmates that she is thankful for... written out on the feathers of her Indian headband.
I am thankful for "food is yume if we didn't have food to eat we would die."
I am thankful for "Jesus he dide on the cross for me."
I am thankful for "Christmas we can ask Santa we can decorat are tree."
Eric has been asking Sarah and Phoebe each day at dinner time what they did to "live for Jesus that day?"
Me:  Tell me one thing you did at school that was "living for Jesus" in November.
Sarah: "We had indoor recess and CJ asked someone to play with him, and no one wanted to play with him, and I was the first one to go over and play with CJ, and then some other people came over and played.  He was playing with Legos and cars.  I really didn't want to play with cars but I played with him anyways.

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