The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas With Family

We shared a wonderful weekend with my parents, brother, and Aunt and Uncle the last weekend in December.  Ernie and Judy brought along their yellow lab, Toby.  Sarah and Silas especially loved following Toby around and petting him.  I am not sure how much Toby enjoyed Silas, but he sure did tolerate him well... the hard patting on his back petting, the person laying on top of him hugs, the tail and ear pulling petting, and the constant little person looking for him and running along behind him.... What a GOOD DOG!
Looking in our stockings and opening gifts....
Silas got a BIG racetrack from Nanee and Popee for Christmas.  He instantly forgot about Toby and contently raced his cars for a significant amount of time before realizing that he had been distracted from his self-appointed job of petting and following Toby around.  (Since bringing the racetrack home - Silas LOVES to race his many cars on it.  He has it in his room, and races cars with his sisters many times throughout the days.)
While there that weekend, Silas also started to do this funny little lip suction thing... If you look closely in the two pictures below of him and his dog-buddy Toby, he has some pretty silly faces going on.  From the side, he almost looks a little like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons t.v. show.

I made my parents a t-shirt quilt.  I used all the extra t-shirts that my Dad had saved from the ALS walks that he and Mom have participated in and helped with, in honor and memory of their friend, Jeff McCloud.  It turned out very pretty!  I love the colors that I used in this quilt.  The back fabric is also the blue that is used on the front.  Each time I make a new t-shirt quilt, it becomes my new favorite.  Dad and Mom both loved this gift that I made for them.
We played some games that weekend too.
Phoebe wasn't too sure about the "Don't Spill the Beans" game.  She was a little frightened of the bean can spilling over and was very hesitate about placing any beans on the top.
What a great weekend.  On the way back to Mom and Dad's house on Sunday after church, Silas fell sound asleep.  He even let Eric carry him in and lay him on the floor in the living room.  Then stayed asleep for another forty five minutes there!  Thank you Mom, Dad, Matt, Uncle Ernie and Aunt Judy for a fun weekend!  It was so good to be together again.

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