The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Friday, January 10, 2014

Snowballs At The Zoo

We went to Emporia over the weekend right after Christmas to be with family.  When we got there on Friday afternoon, it was beautiful outside!  So, we all headed to the Emporia Zoo.  There were LOTS of ducks there.  Silas kept pointing at them and trying to get as close to them as he could.  Most of the other animals were either sleeping or inside their enclosures.  
We checked Eric's wingspan and according to my Aunt Judy one of his "wings" is longer than the other.  Who knew?
Toward the end of the Zoo visit there were some piles of snow that had just been calling Sarah's name.  She just couldn't resist any longer!  She picked some up formed a small snowball and started a snowball fight.  Beginning with herself and Uncle Ernie, then Eric, Popee, and Phoebe joined in.  
What true fun this was to watch the happiness that a few snowballs can bring to children and adults. Everyone left the zoo that afternoon with smiles on their faces.  (This reminded me of when I was little and my siblings and I would spend a few days with Aunt Judy and Uncle Ernie every summer.  We always had a big water fight... hoses, buckets, cups, squirt guns, and LOTS of water.  Ernie and Judy always participated, and we all always smiled then too.)

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