The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Their First Days

Sarah's first day of school was Tuesday, August 12th.  She is in second grade this year.  She picked to wear a new skirt and shirt that Popee and Nanee had bought her on the first day.
As we were walking her into the building she told me her stomach hurt a little.  I knew she was a little nervous, and I told her my stomach always hurt a little too on the first day of school.  She has several children in her class that she knows and a few that were in her class last year are in her class again this year.  The students in her classroom do not have desks...just tables pushed together into hexagon shapes.  She found her spot and got to work on her "Welcome to Second Grade" packet.
Phoebe's first day of school was one week after Sarah's first day, Tuesday, August 19th.  She is in her second year of Pre-K (preschool).  She will continue to go two mornings a week and receive speech services each morning throughout this school year in preparation for kindergarten next year.
The girls are in the same building again this year, and in fact, their classrooms are right next door to each other!
Phoebe picked to wear her new Doc McSuffins shirt on her first day of school.  She also has a new Doc McStuffins backpack and....wait for it....
Brand-new Doc McStuffins light-up shoes!
Phoebe's classroom teacher came out and made a home visit a few days before school began.  She left Phoebe this homework to complete.  She was supposed to draw herself on the first day of school, then bring it to show and hang up in the classroom on the first day.  I helped her with the drawing of the shirt, shorts, and shoes, and she colored it, put stickers on, and drew her face and hair.
We walked Phoebe to her classroom too on her first day of school.  She didn't smile much until she sat down at the table and we were just about to leave.  Then she began to look happy instead of sad or scared.
We pray that our girls have a great school year and learn a lot this year while staying safe and shining their lights for Jesus to those around them.

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