Two weeks ago the kids and I went to my parents house for a week. The girls were signed up to attend VBS at my parents church while we were there. (Phoebe kept telling us that the two things that she was the most excited for while at Popee and Nanee's house for the week, were "PBS and swimming". Yes, you read that right. "PBS". She thought we were saying PBS instead of VBS! She knew it was Vacation Bible School, but thought it was called PBS.) The theme this year was "EVEREST...Conquering Challenges With God's Mighty Power". There were 5 lessons, 1-4 were Sunday evening through Wednesday evening, then finishing up lesson 5 on Sunday morning during the Sunday School hour. We had the Everest music cd for about a week prior to VBS which was plenty of time for all three of our kids, and myself, to learn all of the catchy songs.
Day 1 - We took the girls and got them to their starting points with each of their groups. They rotated through different stations throughout the evening, singing, science, stories, activities, and snacks. They both had a good time. We joined them at the end of the evening when all of the groups came back together to sing and pray before leaving. Silas stood with the girls to sing and dance during this closing time.
Bible Point: God has the power to provide.
Key Verse: "And God will generously provide all you need." 2 Corinthians 9:8
At the end of VBS Day 1, the girls had these things to show me...bracelets, a poster, a black Raven, and some snow.
Day 2 - Silas was invited to stay and join Phoebe's group for the remaining 4 lessons of VBS. He was beyond excited to get to stay and participate! He got a name tag, like the big kids, and walked right into the room with Phoebe to play and have fun. He didn't even look back at me! Phoebe told me she would help him as she followed him into the room. (Such a caring big sister!)
Bible Point: God has the power to comfort.
Key Verse: "He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others." 2 Corinthians 1:4
Day 3- Another fun night for all three kids.
Bible Point: God has the power to heal.
Key Verse: "He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds." Psalm 147:3
Day 4 - Phoebe came home telling us all, "God has the power to provide. Hold on!" (We have heard this from her several more times since VBS has been over too. Way to listen and remember, Phoebe!)
Bible Point: God has the power to forgive.
Key Verse: "You are a God of forgiveness." Nehemiah 9:17
Sunday morning, Lesson 5
Bible Point: God has power to love us forever.
Key Verse: "Everyone who believes in him will have eternal life." John 3:15