The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Gary And Connie's Animals

 ~ Sarah Hendrickson ~

We went to Gary and Connie's farm last week.  They have a petting zoo.  Some of Popee and Nanee's friends, the Tibbetts family, met us there.  They have known them for a long time.  Mommy and Matt and Lindsee use to play with their girls when they were growing up.  They also went on some trips together to Colorado.  Now they have kids too.  We got to meet them.  They were nice.
I don't remember this little animals name, but Silas and Popee both held it.
They have 3 donkeys.  They only brought out the mommy and the baby for us to pet.  The donkey left in the field kept making very loud he-haw noises. 
They have two tortoises.  One weighs about 30 pounds and the other weighs about 5 pounds.  Silas and Harper liked holding the little one.
It was a very hot day out.  We decided to move under a shade tree to look at some other animals.
Connie let out the baby goats.  They are my favorite.  The two white ones were twin girls.  I liked holding them.  One was chasing Silas.  He ran away from it straight to Popee, yelling, "It's a nibbler!  It's a nibbler!" Popee picked Silas up and carried him for a little bit.
Jack was holding the other twin.  She nibbled his ear and his cheek.
Phoebe and Mommy's favorite was the baby pig.  Mommy thought it was so cute.  It was not stinky.
Next we went down to their barn where they had some more goats and some calves.
There was a big pile of hay bales and rocks that we climbed and played on.
When we left the farm we all went to the park to play and have a picnic.
Here are the kids in the picture above - Jack, Harper, Silas, Phoebe, Sarah, and Brooks.
Here are the teacher friends in the picture below - Popee (Paul), Gary, and Gene.
It was a fun and hot day.

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