The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Family Reunion

About three weeks ago we went to Denison, Texas for a family reunion.  It has been a long time since I have gotten to see any of these cousins of mine.  This would be my Grandpa, Ernest Grant's side of the family.  

Vera Thompson Jarvis had five children.  Her first husband was Roy Grant.  They had two children from this marriage.  Their oldest was Ernest Leroy Grant, my Grandpa.  Next Ruby Grant Deininger.  Vera and Roy divorced.  Then Vera married Cleve Sallee and had Shirley Sallee Clark and the youngest, Beverly Sallee Beckham.  They also had an infant son who died.  After Cleve Sallee died, she married Ed Griesel.  After Ed died, she later married R.D. Jarvis.  Vera and R.D are buried in the Perkins, Oklahoma cemetery.

Ernest Grant and Georganna Kienholz Grant, my grandparents had two children Ernest Grant Jr. (Ernie) and Gloria.  Ernest and Georganna are buried in the McGuire Cemetery near Lucien, Oklahoma.

Ruby and her husband, Gilbert Deininger had three boys, Gilbert (Gil), David, and Paul.  Gilbert is buried in cemetery in San Antonio, Texas.

Shirley and her husband Robert Clark (Bob) had three girls, Jammye, Roberta, and Jana.  Roberta died as an infant.  Shirley is buried in a cemetery at Minco, Oklahoma 

Beverly (Bev) and her husband Fred Beckham had three children, Patti, Michael (Mike), and Connie.  Fred is buried near Grand Saline, Texas.

Below, Ernest's family with his sisters Bev and Ruby, left to right: Eric, Stacee Sarah, Silas, Paul, Gloria, Phoebe, Judy, Ernie, and Lindsee.
Below, Ruby's family with her sister Bev, left to right: Debbie and Paul, Fran and Gil.
Below left picture, Shirley's girls with her sisters Bev and Ruby, left to right: Jana and Jammye.
Below right picture, Bev and her three children, left to right: Mike, Patti, Bev, and Connie.
Pictured below are some of the cousins kids that were there, with Bev and Ruby... 
Cousins, top row left to right, Stacee, Lindsee, Mary Catherine, Brad, Cameron (Cam), Sallee, and Abby.
Sarah caught a small frog during the picture taking session.  All the kids gathered round to look at it, hold it, and scream a little.
Many of us enjoyed cooling off and swimming in the hotel pool.

There was a nice meeting/commons area with a huge window right beside the pool where we all gathered to visit, and could watch the action outside happening in the pool.
We ate dinner together on Saturday night at Huck's Catfish.  It was very crowded there.  We were all able to sit at several tables on one side of the restaurant.  The food was delicious!  Eric and Silas both ordered the Catfish.  (I normally do not eat Catfish.  It is one kind of fish that thoroughly grosses me the max...which is A LOT.  But, Silas shared some of his with me and I thought it was pretty good.  I wonder if they sell their seasoning mix or give out their recipe????)
Below, are the kids out front at Huck's.
Back at our hotel the kids had fun playing outside together while the adults visited and some of the guys played washers.
Below, playing washers.
Silas, Sarah, and Phoebe all had a fun time with Aunt Lindsee!  Lindsee decided a couple weeks prior to the reunion that she would fly into Dallas and surprise Mom and Dad for the reunion.  EP, Eric, Sarah, and I were the only people in on her secret.  She arrived in Dallas late Friday night then rented a car and drove to our hotel in Denison, Texas.  She arrived at our hotel and sleepily walked to our room and knocked on the door at about 3:15 am on Saturday morning.  She crawled into bed with Phoebe and I.  Then Saturday morning I called Dad's cell phone to tell him the kids were hiding in our room and wanted him and Mom to come and try to find them... Dad and Mom played along nicely, coming to our room and knocking on the door and looking all around the hotel room for the "kids" before finding them in the obvious spot on the bed covered in the sheets and blankets... Ha!  The joke was on them though when they ripped back the covers and found not only the "kids" but LINDSEE, Sarah, Phoebe, and Silas!  Some time during the excitement of the hiding and finding under the covers Silas managed to head-butt Lindsee right in the mouth and give her a bloody fat lip.  So, when they were all found under the covers Lindsee emerged with a hide and seek battle wound.  Way to take one for the team, Lindsee.
Below, a beautiful Texas sunset....
Pictured left to right below, Eric, Ernie, Gil, David, Cam, Paul H., Paul D., Michael, and Mike, after playing washers.
Pictured below are all of the living cousins and their aunts, in cousin birth order, top row left to right: #1 Ernie #2 Jammye #3 Gil #4 Gloria #5 Mike #6 David #7 Patti.  Bottom row left to right: Aunt Bev, #8 Jana #9 Paul #10 Connie and Aunt Ruby
Family ties are precious threads no matter where we roam.  They draw us close to those we love, and pull our hearts to home.

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