The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Friday, September 4, 2015

On His Birthday

Silas's birthday was on a Saturday in August.  We were home from Colorado then, and decided to have a fun family day.  We started by going to the zoo that morning.
The Lions and the Gorillas were both up by the glass viewing areas and made it fun to see them up close and get a real feel for how big they actually are.
Some of Silas's favorite animals to look at the zoo each time we go are the Elephants, Hippos, Turtles, and Flamingos.
He also LOVES to look at the ducks and the fish.  I do believe he will be more and more like his Daddy as he grows up.  Maybe a little hunter and fisherman in the making.
Later that day we headed to the community pool for a swim.  It was a very hot day and there were lots of people at the pool.  All three kids had a good time swimming, jumping in, and going down the big blue slide.
Back at home Silas requested pizza for his birthday dinner and a big cookie cake.  After eating dinner we let him open his birthday gifts from us and the package that came in the mail from Grandma Sharon.  (Below) Silas with Phoebe and his gifts from her...
(Below) Silas with Sarah and his gifts from her...
He also got a few more Disney Planes and Cars from us, the Disney Planes movie, and some clothes.  He was very excited when he opened his new rescue truck and helicopter from Grandma Sharon!  He could hardly wait for Daddy to get them out of the boxes!  He especially loves the helicopter.  Thanks Grandma Sharon!!!
All three kids liked the cookie cake, and the icing on the cookie cake.
Happy 3rd birthday, Silas Paul!
Happy Birthday to YOU!

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