The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Friday, January 15, 2016

Christmas Morning 2015

We had a nice Christmas morning at our house.... Phoebe was the first awake and in our room to wake us up, followed by Sarah, then with the help of his sisters, Silas.  They couldn't wait to look at and in their stockings.  We had them wait just a couple minutes as I popped in my contacts and brushed my teeth, and Eric got the cameras ready so we could capture their faces and reactions when they saw the stockings and gifts.
Ready, set, go!  It was a race down the hallway and to get their stockings down off the fireplace mantle.
Silas got his "Batman and Atmobile" (Batmobile) just like he had been asking for, for the last two months.  Phoebe got her camera. And, Sarah got the big Barbie Styling Head that she wanted.  They each got a few extra surprises too.
Next we opened our presents to each other.....
We all got a lot of nice gifts.
Silas got a lot of Disney Cars and Planes toys and some books.  Phoebe got some books to read, coloring and drawing books, a Lego set, and Barbie toys.
Sarah got clothes, books, a wristwatch and stopwatch, and some Barbie toys.
Silas picked out two winter Barbie sets for his sisters.  He gave Phoebe the sledding Barbie and Sarah the baking Barbie.
The girls decided to play a little joke on Daddy.  They both wanted to give him a pair of K-State flip-flops, so they each wrapped one flip-flop in their package to him.  So when he opened his gift from Sarah, he got shorts and the left flip-flop.  He had no idea what to say or do with one flip-flop.  This was actually hilarious to the girls and myself.  You might have had to be there....
Next, he opened his present from Phoebe... A pair of pants and the right flip-flop!  Ha Ha Ha!
The kids all had a present to us from themselves.  My Dad had helped them each make a reindeer ornament and a pair of ice skate ornaments to give us to decorate our tree for years to come.  (Thanks Dad!)
Eric was surprised and very happy about his Star Wars blue-ray box set.  He may have only given me 14 hints over the last few years that this was something he would like to have.  (I finally got the hint and remembered to get it for him.  Go me.)  I was super happy about my new brown Ariat boots from him.  I may have picked them out myself and known what they were as I was unwrapping them, but boots make me smile and my feet happy, and so Merry Christmas to me from (myself) Eric.  (Good job Self.)

Eric also got me these super cute blingy jeans.  They look fantastic on and my husband loves me and them on me.  Win. Win.
We also had two presents to unwrap from the girls that they made at school.  Phoebe made us this cute red shiny ball ornament with her hand-print on it.  She turned her fingerprints into little snowmen.  It literally melted my heart when I opened it.  She was so quiet and intent on keeping her gift a secret from us until the moment we opened it.  Good job Phoebe!  I love it!
Eric opened the gift from Sarah.  It was this cute corn and bean filled sock snowman.  Thanks Sarah!  Every time I look at it I will remember your excitement for making and giving your homemade gifts this Christmas.
After opening gifts the kids had a couple hours to play with their new toys before we packed up and headed south to Texas to have Christmas with Eric's family there.  What a fun, low-key morning we all had together.
I love you little family of mine.

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