The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Annie Oakley'in It

I had the opportunity to go shooting with my Dad and his cousin again last weekend.  I must say that I LOVE shooting.  And, PS ~ I am pretty good at it.  Surprised?  Nah, you shouldn't be, it's in my genes... Got it from my Dad I tell ya.  I am ready to jump on board some hunting trips this fall.  Doc?  Josh and Katie?  Dr. B?  Who will take me on my maiden voyage?  This girl is ready to shoot her guns.  PPS ~ I jumped to super hottie status with my husband now that he knows he is married to Annie Oakley's great great granddaughter.
(Just kidding, my great great grandmother was not Annie Oakley, but how cool would that be if it were true?  Here's a little FACT for ya... Annie Oakley's given name was really Phoebe Ann.  Sound familiar?  It should.)
Sarah went along with us this time around.  It was cold outside so Sarah mostly sat on the cart for the first part of the day and watched us.  She was bundled up in her hat, hoods, coat, layers of clothing, a blanket, and my coat.  
There were moving targets to shoot in the air going away from you and coming right at you.  There were targets rolled on the ground and some that were bounced off the ground a few feet in the air  Some were in the trees and some in the open.
Dad was his usual sharpshooter self.
I love that I can go and do this with my Dad.  It is fun, a little competitive, and helps me practice my skills with tips from Dad and his cousin who have been doing this for a lot of years, hunting, shooting ranges, and Military.

Pictured below, Christopher, Jerry (Dad's first cousin), Steve, and Julie.
Thanks Dad.  It was a fun day.  Sarah and I will be ready to go again when it gets warmer outside.  And, start looking for those Father/Daughter shooting contests.  I think we'd make a great team!

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