The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Friday, February 5, 2016

Tribe Of Levi Church Services

 ~ Eric Hendrickson ~

We had a Tribe of Levi event on Saturday, January 23rd at Westview Baptist Church in Wichita, Kansas.  We have started to do Saturday evening services for churches throughout Kansas.  If you would like to host the Tribe Of Levi for a service at your church, please contact Carl Carnnahan, the band's General Manager, or Stacee and I, and we will gladly help arrange your event.
It was great to see Billy Soverns (in red).  He was in my IFI (Innerchange Freedom Intiattive) group, #26, and was recently released from prison after serving 30 plus years. 
The band has a few new members and they sounded great. 
The band did not play, "I am Free", which was not to Silas's liking.  Silas voiced his displeasure after the event to Carl so Carl rectified the situation by playing the song just for Silas.  Silas and the girls ran around the church as is the standard procedure when this song is played.
Cameron (above) was the one who decided they should not play the song during the event.  Cameron did apologize to Silas.
Rob (above) gave his testimony.  I met Rob that day and got to spend some one on one time with him prior to the event.  I appreciate your heart and your efforts with prison ministry, Rob.
Gary (middle) is contemplating doing oversees missionary work (Mark 16:15).  God bless you brother.  It was great seeing all my brothers, worshiping Jesus, and enjoying our freedom in Christ. 

We invite you to watch for band updates, new pictures, news, and upcoming events by "liking" the Tribe of Levi on facebook.

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