The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Friday, October 21, 2016

Nature Walks, Bugs, and Creepy Crawlies

 ~ Sarah ~ 

One day we went to a pond and we hiked around.  When we were walking by the tall grass I saw a big beetle.  It was big, black and yellow, and had six legs, and antennas.    Mommy and I searched the internet to find out what kind of bug this is.  We think it is a Cottonwood Borer.
Daddy held the Cottonwood Borer on some long blades of grass.  When he was holding it, it pooped!  Green ugly gross blobs of poop.  Yuck!  Mommy even got a picture of the poop and the bug.
On our walk we saw a lot of grasshoppers.  Daddy caught one.  He held it up for us to see it.
Mommy found a pretty Monarch Butterfly.  It was dead.  I kept it and took it to school to show my classmates.  They thought it was cool.
One evening while we were playing in the backyard, Mommy found a dead bat in our yard.  It was stinky.  Before Daddy threw it away we all got to look at it closely.  It had tiny teeth.  The wings were thin like paper.  It's fur was soft.  Mommy felt it.
We met Uncle Charlie and Aunt Wyonna at Botanica on Aunt Wyonna's birthday.  She had been wanting to go there.  It was a warm day.  We walked all around.  At the big water fountain we tried to get the water to spray on us for a cool down.
In the butterfly garden Popee and I were looking at the butterflies in their cocoons.  Then I tried to let butterflies laid on me.  One crawled onto me from a plant.  It couldn't fly because it had bad wings.  I also tried to hold some that were about to die.  They kept flipping over and then we would pick them up and turn them the right way.  They kept falling over.
I found this big snail on the sidewalk as we were walking around Botanica.  It was crawling.  His body was slimy.  
We surprised Wyonna with chocolate cupcakes while we were all at Botanica.  She was happy.  She loves chocolate!  Happy Birthday Aunt Wyonna.
There is an area at Botanica where there is spiders and their webs everywhere on the plants.  They live there and try to catch bugs in their webs.  Sometimes mommy and I blow on their webs and they go hide, then come back out.
In the Chinese Garden area we all liked looking at the fish.  We threw a grasshopper and a caterpillar into the water to see if they would eat it.
We found two Garden Spiders in our yard this year.  The first one was in our clubhouse out back.  We watched it and tried to stay out of our clubhouse to leave it alone.  We tried to feed it a broken legged cricket but the cricket was too big and fell out of the web.  I think it scared the spider.
The first Garden Spider ended up laying two egg sacks in the club house.  They are a yellow/brown color and a white color.
The second Garden Spider we found mommy moved from the backyard to the front yard.  She put it by our rose bushes.  It made it's web right away.  It stayed there for a couple weeks.  We caught small butterflies and put it into the web and watched the spider catch it, wrap it up and take it to the zipper area of it's web.  Silas also fed it some small green grasshoppers.
It is a blessing to have insects, spiders, and animals around because we get to watch them and learn about them up close.  Daddy and Popee aren't scared of anything and can fix anything so they help us hold things and learn about them.  Mommy and Nanee teach us about the animals and spiders and insects but they don't always hold them.

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