Welcome back to school! Sarah is in 4th grade this year.
Sarah was excited for school to start and a little nervous this year. We knew she would be fine once she got in there with her friends, and got use to the new 4th grade routine. It helped that we got to meet the teachers and see the classrooms the day before school started. We talked to her teacher and found out she is a Royals fan (she even went to the same Royals vs. the Rangers game that we did on a hot night in Texas last summer), and even better yet, she is a Kansas State University graduate! She and Sarah can wear purple and Wildcats all year long together! She was excited to hear that Sarah had run in the Bill Snyder 5k last Spring, and even more excited to hear that we all had gotten to meet and take a picture with Coach Snyder.
Sarah has homework almost every night, a math worksheet and to read for 10-20 minutes. She also has a spelling test and a math quiz at the end of every week that she has to study for at home. Toward the end of September, 4th grade started to play their Recorders again in music, so she also has to practice her Recorder at home. She reviewed songs from last year and has started to learn some new songs.
What has been the hardest or most challenging for you so far this year?Sarah: "It's math. We have to do more work and it is a lot of new stuff, and reviewing a little."
Tell me about the book report quilt you made, pictured below.
Sarah: "First we read the Sarah Plain and Tall book. Then we started to work on our projects. Then while we were working on our projects we got to watch the movie Sarah Plain and Tall. The quilt took a lot of time to make. I liked making it."
You are participating in an after school program this fall called Girls On The Run. Tell me about it.
Sarah: "There are 18 girls at my school in GOTR. We meet two times a week. When we meet we all get a snack. Then we do an activity, stretch, and then we run. I like the running part. We run for 20 - 40 minutes each day at GOTR. The activities/lessons at each practice are team building, self-esteem building, and about making healthy good choices. At the end of our season, in November, we will run a 5k with our running buddies, and all the other GOTR people and teachers/coaches. My running buddy is mommy."
What is your favorite special so far this year?
Sarah: "Music because we get to play Recorders."
Tell me about the art project below.
Sarah: "We had to pose and then my teacher took our pictures. Then she printed them and we cut ourselves out. The we drew and colored a picture of our background. We each had to create a fall picture and then glue the picture of ourselves onto the fall picture. I glued myself jumping into the leaves. I called mine Autumn Chilly Day."
We are thankful that Sarah wants to do her best at school and in her activities that she participates in. She is determined, has a fighting spirit, a desire to win, a kind heart, and compassion for others.
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