The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

December Activities

December is always looked forward to with excitement and anticipation of what the month will hold for our family.  It is a time of decorations, music, good things to eat, giving, getting together with family and friends, school and church programs, and other excitement.  This December did not disappoint...

Eric Biathlon
Eric took part in the 1st annual Hutton Triathlon which ended up being a biathlon on December 2nd.  He and seven other men rode their bikes 10k and ran a 5k on a chilly Saturday morning.  Eric would have done great if not for a flat bike tire which slowed him down in the biking portion of the race.  As he pushed his bike to the finish line and took off on the 5k, like a warrior, I yelled, "Go catch somebody", and that's just what he did.  Finishing strong and looking like a Iron Man Hottie.
Below, at the starting line...

Visit with Santa at Cabela's
We saw Santa at Cabela's this year.  We stopped in to look around and look at the fish in their big aquarium and Santa happened to be there visiting with children.  Silas asked him for the Wal-Mart Hauler truck.  Phoebe told him she wanted Legos and Junie B. Jones books.  And, Sarah told him she wanted a bunch of "I don't knows".

Mail to Santa
One Sunday at church the kids got to make and decorate 3x5 index cards.  They were supposed to make them into a Christmas card to give to someone.  Silas made his for Santa.  He wanted it to be a thank-you card.  I helped him write some of the words.  The next day he and I had to mail some things at the post office.  He brought along his card and wanted me to buy a stamp and mail it to the North Pole.  My mind raced.  What would I do???  He carried his card inside and started to tell the lady behind the counter we needed a stamp for his card to Santa.  To my surprise and happiness, she pointed to a red mailbox in the corner of the post office...on it hung a sign that said "Letters to Santa".  Wow!  Talk about a save.  Thank you local hometown post office!  Silas placed his card in the mailbox.
About a week later, in our mailbox at home, Silas received a letter, postmarked THE NORTH POLE.  He had gotten a letter back from Santa!  Written on stationary that resembled a paper right out of Santa's list book.  He couldn't believe it and was filled with joy.  Again, THANK YOU, local hometown post office!

Sarah Piano
Sarah started taking piano lessons in December.  She  likes it so far and is looking forward to playing songs with her left and right hands.

K-State vs. Tulsa
We went to the K-State vs. Tulsa basketball game in Wichita on December 9th.
It is always a good time when we all dress in purple and cheer on the Wildcats.
After the game we made our way to the floor so the kids could get a picture with Willie.

Church Christmas program
All three kids participated in our church Christmas program this year on a Sunday evening.  They had festive Santa hats for kids to wear and some super-duper glittery tutus for the girls to wear.
They all sang a few songs together and the older kids acted out the true Christmas story for all to see.
Above and below, Phoebe is wearing a white long sleeved shirt and white leggings, in the front row,  toward the right of the pictures.  Sarah is wearing a cream colored long sleeve shirt and leggings...but she is standing toward the left in the back row, right behind someone, so she cannot be seen in the pictures...or even very well at she was trying to blend in or hide.  HHhmmm, I think she may have stood in that spot because she was not happy about having to wear a tutu and Santa hat.  Ha!
At the end of the program all the kids came back on the stage to sing a couple more songs altogether.  Below, Silas and Phoebe are front right, third and fourth people in.  Sarah is in the middle row, toward the middle left.
Great job, kids!  Below, after the program, all smiles because the tutus got to be taken off...

Silas's School Christmas program
Silas's school had their Christmas program on December 12th.  They performed two bell ringing songs.  And, sang two songs with actions.  Silas stood in the middle front.  He did so well.  He knew all the words and actions and rang his yellow bell when he was supposed to ring it for the two bell songs.  Great job paying attention and performing, Silas!
After the show there was hot chocolate and cookies for everyone to enjoy.

Hutton Christmas party
Eric and I had a date night on December 15th.  Mom and Dad came and stayed with the kids and we went to the Hutton Christmas party.  They went all out this year!  The meal was excellent.  It was held at a nice venue in old town, and the entertainment couldn't be beat!  A game of "The Price Is Right" was held and fantastic prizes were given away to the winners.  It was an amazing night and great Christmas party!

Sarah and Jessee
Sarah picked an ornament for our Christmas tree this year that was a picture frame with small dog bones around it.  She wanted me to take a picture of her and our dog, Jessee, to put in the frame.  She loves our dog very much.  After taking about 334 pictures we finally got one of Jessee sitting, looking in the right direction, and looking like a beautiful Lab.

Making Christmas Ornaments
The kids and I made some wooden Christmas ornaments this year to give to some family members as gifts.  We used little wooden circles, yarn, pictures of the kids, and Christmas decals that they cut from Christmas wrapping paper.
Silas did a good job of sanding the rough spots off of the wooden circles.
The ornaments turned out great and looked nice hanging up.

Christmas Eve
On Christmas Eve we attended our church's Christmas Eve service.  We were very happy that they had a service this year.  In previous years they have not had a service so we attended another church's Christmas Eve service.  Tyson and Jeremy did a nice job with the service.  It was beautiful and meaningful.  Everyone, including Silas, had a candle lit, and sang together, the last song of the evening, "Silent Night".

Happy Christmas Eve!
After the service we went and ate a yummy dinner at Texas Road House.  Then drove around for about an hour looking at Christmas lights all over town.  Our favorites were the houses that had their lights set to music.

Christmas Cookie Decorating
We received our annual Christmas cookie decorating kit in the mail from Eric's cousin, Venus.
Because we didn't have a fully functional put-together kitchen we decided to use a big plastic lid and decorate the cookies while sitting on the floor.  It worked just fine.
The kids really got into using the icing this year, mixing it, swirling it, and trying to create designs with it.
Eric helped Silas create some pretty cool snowmen and KC Chiefs cookies this year.
Thanks Venus!  We always look forward to getting the package in the mail from you and decorating the cookies together.

Exploration Place
The kids and I used our Exploration Place one more time before it ran out on December 27th.  There is a new aviation exhibit which we enjoyed looking around and testing things out.  A favorite was sitting in a plane and getting to (pretend) fly it to other cities.
At the end of your flight it took your picture, like a postcard.  Silas and Phoebe couldn't figure out where to look for the picture-taking part.
Greetings from San Francisco, Miami, and New York!
We also liked looking at the real-time flight paths of planes flying over the USA.  Popee and Nanee were flying back to Wichita that day from San Francisco and we tried to locate their in-air flight on the big screen.
Two other favorites at Exploration Place for our kids are always the castle and all of its rooms, and creating a waterway that moves a floating ball down a path.
Thanks Uncle Ernie and Aunt Judy for this 2017 pass.  We all enjoyed the times we got to spend at the Exploration Place.

Airport Pick-Up
Later in the day on December 27th we got to go to the airport and pick-up Popee and Nanee from their San Francisco trip.  They came from 60 degree California weather back to freezing cold Kansas weather.

Out to Colorado
On December 28th the kids and I headed to Colorado with my parents.  My sister was being induced that evening and we were hoping to be there in time to meet the newest member of our family.
 We arrived in plenty of time.  We went by their house before they headed to the hospital.  The kids got some Christmas gifts from Aunt Lindsee and Uncle Eric.
 The hotel we stayed in had an indoor pool so the kids got to enjoy swimming every day we were there.
On the first day we went to the Butterfly Pavilion and to Casa Bonita to pass some time.

On the second day we did a LOT of waiting.....
 On the Third day we did a LOT MORE waiting.....
 Finally, at 5:10 pm on December 31st, William was born!  Yay Lindsee and EP!!!!
 He is such a little cutie.  Nanee and Popee are happy and excited to have four grandchildren now!

What a great December!  One full of friends, family, and lots of memories made.
Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year!

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