The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Sunday, October 21, 2018

My Birthday

I turned 41 in September.  I love birthdays, especially my own.  I had the day of fun all planned out a couple weeks in advance.  We started out watching two of Sarah's volleyball games.  They won both games.  Happy birthday to me!
Next we headed to lunch at one of my favorite restaurants, Red Lobster.  My birthday always falls during the "never-ending Shrimp" time at Red Lobster.  YUM!  Happy Birthday to me!
After lunch we started playing games on my birthday game list.  (I picked some of my old-all-time faves.)  SORRY was first on the list.  We played it in teams, Mom and Sarah, Dad and Silas, Phoebe and I, and Eric by himself.
Silas is super competitive, like Eric and I, and at one point his team was not doing so well.  He wanted to quit.  Some of us got a good (quiet) laugh out of his pout.
Phoebe and I won the Sorry game.  Happy birthday to me!
The next game of the day was PIT.  Pit is a high-flying, fast, loud talking, trading game.  The kids had never played it before this day.  They loved it and so did I.  Happy birthday to me!
Eric was the PIT winner.  (He is my hottie husband who would do anything for me.)  I love my husband.  Happy birthday to me!
Rummikub was our next game.  Sarah and Mom were partners for this one again.
Phoebe and I joined up again.
And, Silas and Dad were a team.
We played three games.  Phoebe and I won the first one, Dad and Silas won the second game, and Phoebe and I won the third one.  YAY!  Happy birthday to me!
The last game of the evening was Big Boggle, the world famous 3 - minute word game.  Phoebe was on my team again for this one.  Everyone else was on their own, including Silas.  He did well though and found a few words each round.
Sarah and Eric each won a round.
And, Phoebe and I won a round.  What a great little game partner she was for me all afternoon!  Happy birthday to me!
I have always loved presents!  (Seriously, who doesn't love presents?)  I got some great gifts from my parents, my kids, and Eric that evening.  Happy birthday to me!
To end the evening we ate cake. (Cake is my all-time favorite dessert.)  A super-duper delicious yumm-o cake, made by my super-duper husband and fantastic kids.  Happy birthday to me!
And, last but certainly not least, that super-duper husband of mine ordered me exactly what I asked him for... a purple chrome book and a wireless printer.  Happy birthday to me!
Thank you Eric, Dad, Mom, Silas, Phoebe, and Sarah for making my birthday exactly what I had planned and so much FUN!  
Happy 41st birthday to me!

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