The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A Day In Iowa

 ~ Eric Hendrickson ~ 

We went to Sioux City, Iowa on Saturday (9/15) to attend my cousin Jimmy Pepple's wedding.  We haven't seen my dad's side of the family in about 6 years so a visit was long over due.  We got into town around 12:30 and had lunch with my dad.  We then headed out to the wedding location about 15 minutes north of town.
When we arrived, we saw Elk in the adjacent field.
Below is my cousin Venus (middle) and Aunt Gloria (left).  Gloria is Jimmy's mother.
The kids looked nice and behaved great.
Above I am talking with my Uncle John (black suit).  He is Jimmy's father.  My dad is also talking with us.
David, Jimmy's brother, (above) was a groomsmen.  He walked in with his girlfriend, who was a bridesmaid.  Jimmy's daughter was the flower girl.
The kids and took a picture with Grandpa Rich (my dad).
We took a cousin's picture (above).
And some family pictures.
We stayed for the cake cutting and danced a few dances.  We then went back to my cousin Isaac's motel so the kids could swim.  Our air conditioner in the van acted up for the ride up to Iowa (90 plus degrees) so we decided to drive back to Kansas around 10 pm, arriving sometime after 3 am.  The trip home was much more bearable.  Although it was not a long visit, it was great seeing everyone.  God bless your marriage.

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